Author: abracad

  • Healing IBS with Hypnosis

    by Dr. Georgina Cannon

    Hypnosis and self-hypnosis have been repeatedly proven to be highly effective means of alleviating all of the various symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS, or “spastic colon”), including pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea, and gas.

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    Dr. Georgina Cannon, certified master clinical hynotherapist, is an international award-winning teacher, lecturer and Director of the Ontario Hypnosis Centre in Toronto, ON. Dr. Cannon is recognized by many in the media as “The Source” for expert opinion in the field of hypnotherapy and issues around complementary wellness treatments, and she regularly meets with medical and wellness professionals to enhance their knowledge and awareness of hypnosis and the dynamic healing potential of soul, or past life journeys. She is a regular guest on Shirley Maclaine, where she hosts a monthly chat moderated by Shirley. For more information on Dr. Georgina Cannon please visit:

  • Stop Waiting – It’s Here!

    What are you waiting for? To graduate school or college; find a new job; get a raise or promotion; start your own business; buy your own home; maybe for the kids to fly the nest; or even retirement?

    We all seem to be waiting for something, that when it comes, will make everything alright. Or, put another way, for a reason to be happy. (more…)

  • Deepak Chopra, Spirituality and Holistic Healing

    Deepak Chopra is an Indian Medical Doctor, best known for his prolific and influential writings and teachings on Spirituality and holistic healing. Chopra says that he has been influenced by the teachings of Vedanta and the Bhagavad Gita, as well as by Jiddu Krishnamurti [Krishnamurti 100 years], and by the field of quantum physics. Deepak Chopra has had a profound influence on the New Thought Movement that has embraced him in the US.

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    This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article “Deepak Chopra“.

  • How to Stop Feeling Bad

    It seems the majority of people suffer some form of stress, depression, or anxiety at some time or another. But what are the causes, and what can we do to improve matters?

    We can feel bad for various reasons:

    • the past
    • yourself
    • your circumstances/situation
    • future worries
    • world problems (more…)
  • Bridezillas Turn to Hypnosis to Smooth Out Wedding Woes

    by Dr. Georgina Cannon

    Imagine a stress-free wedding. It can actually happen. Brides and grooms are able to relieve wedding day stress through hypnotherapy. Your wedding day can be the day you’ve always dreamed of – without all the added worries!

    The amount of pressure on brides to be perfect is enormous, especially on what they are told simply must be the happiest day of their life. In reality, we all know that weddings are a time of stress and preparation – the speeches, the wedding dance, entering a new life, a new family, and don’t forget the stress of the expense. These days, couples are turning to the newest component of wedding planning, a hypnotherapist.

    Read Bridezillas Turn to Hypnosis to Smooth Out Wedding Woes in full…

    Dr. Georgina Cannon, certified master clinical hynotherapist, is an international award-winning teacher, lecturer and Director of the Ontario Hypnosis Centre in Toronto, ON. Dr. Cannon is recognized by many in the media as “The Source” for expert opinion in the field of hypnotherapy and issues around complementary wellness treatments, and she regularly meets with medical and wellness professionals to enhance their knowledge and awareness of hypnosis and the dynamic healing potential of soul, or past life journeys.

  • What would you do if…

    Read this slowly, taking your time to think about the following scenarios.

    What would you do if…

    • you won $20,000,000 on the lottery?
    • you were walking along the street and someone pointed a gun at you?
    • you were driving home and a UFO landed in front of your car?
    • you were promoted to company president?
    • you discovered your son had committed a serious crime (and only you knew)?
    • you were down on your luck and you found a wallet containing $10,000? (more…)
  • The Development of Mediumship

    Mediumship is the branch of psychic functioning that permits communication with the disembodied consciousness(es) of those who have lived in human form and now passed on (back) to the Spirit realm. Mediumship, sometimes referred to as clairvoyance (or clairaudience or clairsentience depending how the communications are perceived by the medium), is central to the Spiritualist movement.

    Is mediumship a gift one is born with, or can it be learned? (more…)

  • How’s your Event Horizon?

    In physics an event horizon is the boundary around a black hole, beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. In human terms it’s the whole range of things past and future that affect us in any way in the moment of now.

    It’s no coincidence that the same word – present – is synonymous with both ‘now’ and ‘gift’. The moment of now is truly a gift not only to be cherished but also utilized to its full potential. Eckhart Tolle’s Spiritual bestseller The Power of Now describes the benefits of limiting one’s attention to the present. (more…)

  • When Life Seems Too Much

    Isn’t life wonderful? Like a County Fair with so many attractions and activities all vying for – and demanding – your attention. So much to see, so much to do. The trouble is, you’re only human. That means you’re limited, with only so much time and energy to give.

    It can be overwhelming. And that’s why stress and its close relatives depression and anxiety are running at epidemic proportions in the modern world. (more…)

  • Tools for Abundance

    There are tools that you can use for having abundance in your life that you might not be aware of.  They include: astrology, recording dreams, meditating, requesting Benevolent Outcomes, and expecting great things.  Here’s how I’ve utilized them.

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    Tom T. Moore is an entertainment industry CEO and speaker, who distributes motion pictures and TV programs internationally.  His book, The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe in Angels (ISBN # 1-891824-60-0, Light Technology) gives many more suggestions for requesting abundance.  Visit his website at