Think Big (and kick ass?)

Think Big and Kick AssDescribed by Jack Canfield (of Chicken Soup fame) as Donald Trump’s version of The Secret, Think Big and Kick Ass must be causing librarians around the world a dilemma over whether it should be filed under business or self-help.

Think Big has arisen from Trump’s association with the Learning Annex Wealth Expos and is co-authored with Learning Annex founder Bill Zanker. Real estate tycoon Trump’s larger than life persona shines through every page as he shares the mindset and strategies that have taken him to the pinnacle of his chosen line of work.

Far be it from me to criticize Trump (wealthier than I by several orders of magnitude!) but some of his more controversial topics ought to be read with a degree of skepticism, or at least serious questioning as to whether they are right for YOU. In particular I refer to the chapters on Revenge and Pre-Nups. Trump is also scathing of those who seek to build win-win deals.

While these approaches have certainly done Trump no harm, I can’t help feeling many of us would be better off without a string of enemies out there waiting to trip us up. And isn’t entering a marriage with a pre-devised exit plan creating a self-fulfilling prophesy for failure?

The rest of “Think Big” is good, sound advice. Much of it echoes the messages of the classic self-help masters, but Trump presents them in his own inimitable style, illustrating the timeless principles in action with numerous examples from his own career. Each chapter concludes with Zanker’s take on the topic.

The powers of thought and belief are the most powerful in the universe. If you think mediocrity, and think yourself mediocre, then that’s the reality you will create for yourself. But by thinking and acting big you create the mindset and beliefs that will deliver big results. As Zanker says: “If you’re thinking already, you might as well think BIG. It’s your choice.”

This book may not leave you loving Donald Trump, but it will give you stacks of proven, practical tips to aid your own personal journey to success.

See also Trump’s classic first book, The Art of the Deal.


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