A few years ago an (irritatingly) catchy little tune called Don’t Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin was going the rounds. Once heard it took ages to get out of your head. But within that simple song lies a profound message; we spend way too much time worrying.
The thing about worrying is that no good ever comes of it. Worry dissipates your energies, diverting them from more constructive use. As we’ve got better at curing physical illness so it seems mental illnesses such as stress, depression, anxiety (essentially all aliases for worry) have expanded to fill the gap. And of course these conditions adversely affect physical health.
But even worse than that, worry is a form of thought. And as countless teachers have told thoughts are very powerful things. They tend to manifest themselves in reality. So by worrying, you actually serve to create the very thing you are worried about!
If something is bothering you all the worry in the world isn’t going to help (and will most likely harm). Whatever it may be – money, work, relationships, kids, health, family… DO something about it. If the problem is money, start planning and budgeting a little better; if it’s work, start checking the job ads or consider something more radical like self-employment or re-training; if it’s health, eat healthy, exercise and follow the doctor’s orders…
Sit quietly, take a few deep breaths, analyze what’s wrong and what you can do about it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help through prayer, or even from those you trust.
In most situations you’ll have a choice of potential actions (including simply doing nothing and letting what will be just be). And for each, since we can’t see the future, a range of possible outcomes – including the best, worst and most likely.
You’ll now be empowered by knowledge. Decide what you’re going to do. Then do it. And stop worrying, because you KNOW that you’ve done the best you could in the circumstances, and whatever happens you KNOW that you couldn’t have done any better.
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday
Think back to childhood. I’m pretty sure you worried then too. Perhaps you forgot to revise for a class test, or maybe you got dropped from the football team, or your best friend didn’t want to let you in a game… At the time didn’t it seem the biggest problem in the world, but looking back don’t your childhood worries seem inconsequential? And that’s how today’s worries will seem when reviewed in the world of Spirit. So stop worrying and be happy.
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