If so, enter the Earth Vision Nature Writing Contest – short fiction, creative non-fiction, poetic prose, or poetry
First Prize $500 ~ Two Second Prizes of $100 each ~ Entry fee $12 (US)
Entries are now invited for the Earth Vision 2010 Nature Writing contest. The deadline for receipt of entries falls on October 15 2010. The EV nature writing contest is held to support the cause of writing on the subject of nature and deep ecology. Any outstanding proceeds support the Earth Vision project.
This contest is open to any writer in English producing an original short piece of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetic prose, or poetry on a theme of nature, deep ecology, spiritual ecology, or any work that has some element of nature woven into it.
Submissions can be published or unpublished material, length to range between 500 and 2500 words per entry (poetry can be smaller). One title per entry, you can enter as many times as you like, new entry fee to accompany each entry. Winners will retain all rights, and will be invited to post their entries on the Earth Vision website.
For further details and information on how to enter go to the Earth Vision Web site at or E mail
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