Before birth our soul chooses, with the help of others, the purpose for its forthcoming incarnation. It may be to learn certain lessons, or it may be to do certain work upon the earth plane, or perhaps to play a role in the journey of (an)other(s).
Once born we are gifted the amazing faculty of free will – the power to choose our destiny. Though we should recognize that free will is limited by external circumstances. A bit like a dog going for a walk on an extending lead. The owner dictates the overall route of the walk (we set our life purpose before birth), allowing the dog more or less freedom at various points along the way (our free will).
Once born our chosen purpose, like knowledge of our Spiritual nature, is excluded from our conscious mind. However evidence of both can be glimpsed along the way.
It may be that we do have a strong inner sense of the direction we should take. We are drawn to a particular career, or location, or people. We are just comfortable taking that road. Or it may be that certain, similar, chances present themselves again and again despite our previous rejections.
Living effectively, and ultimately most fulfilling, is often a matter of recognizing (and heeding) the signs along the way. “Swim with the tide”, or “go with the flow” are common expressions of this.
If we try something with doubt and find things just fall into place effortlessly, that is the road we should follow. If we find we keep bumping into a certain idea without actively seeking it out, we ought to read the signs and pursue it further.
Similarly, if our best efforts continually meet with disappointment and frustration we ought to accept that endeavor is not for us. (That’s not to say we should quit after a single setback, or even after many so long as progress is being made).
The physical universe exists for the sole purpose of making our incarnation possible and worthwhile. It will assist our journey, if only we keep our antennae open to its messages.
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