Drawing close to Spirit

New Age Spirituality is a reaction against the materialism of modern society. You graduate college, get a career, accumulate wealth, get a big house, fast car… And that’s what it’s all about. Or is it?

These things can bring satisfaction, but the trouble with material wealth is you can never have enough of it. The more you get, the more you want. And the more you worry about losing what you have.

I’m not saying wealth isn’t important. To a degree. But once you’ve met the basics of food and shelter its importance rapidly diminishes. That’s why so many feel disillusioned and seek answers in the far from new movement of the new age.

Spirituality is about rediscovering what we really are. In truth we are all Spiritual beings, temporarily occupying a physical body. We are on a journey. The journey into flesh is one of discovery, experience and growth.

The realization that materialism is NOT our main purpose is the understanding of a major lesson. It is also the recognition of, and desire to reconnect with, our true Spiritual nature.

When we are born into this world we forget that we are essentially Spirit. This amnesia is intentional, for if we knew this from the beginning we would find it hard/impossible to focus on our journey upon the earth plane. Part of our purpose is to rediscover the Spirit within.

Modern life is a busy and complex experience with seemingly endless stimuli all vying for our finite attention. Family, work, community… the demands are endless, though each brings its own satisfaction and rewards. But in the face of endless demands how can we connect with our Spiritual self and the realm of Spirit beyond?

It is easy. Spirit isn’t someplace else, but all around. All that needs to happen is i) we need to become a little more open to its reality, and ii) Spirit needs to respond to our openness by making itself felt by us. Though it’s easy it does require an effort of will. Our will power, or ability to assert our unique preferences is one of the clues of our Spirituality. Automata have no will!

We need to set aside some “me” time. That is time when we consciously disconnect from the demands of our physical existence. Disconnect the phone. Send the family off to a movie. Hang a “do not disturb” notice on the door. This time is for you, and you alone.

Nature is a great healer and wonderful for bringing us closer to Spirit. If you’re lucky enough to live near the sea or countryside, take a walk. Even in the city, you’re probably close to a park or other green space.

Art is a doorway to the world of Spirit. Get some art books from the library and observe them closely. Listen to some music, maybe classical or new age, but whatever takes your fancy is fine.

Exercise your will. Change your routine. We are creatures of habit, because we are basically lazy and habit is easy. Try a different newspaper, a different route to work. Read a different kind of book. Whatever, just so long as it forces your mind off auto-pilot.

Learn to relax. Modern life is extremely demanding upon our mental resources. You must be able to switch off the constant noise and put it to one side.

If you’re lucky you may get a physical apparition of someone in Spirit, or  clairaudience, the hearing of Spirit voices. Be open to the ways in which Spirit manifests, eg dreams and coincidences. Perhaps you’ll just get an awareness or feeling that you’re part of something much bigger.

And if at first you don’t succeed, try , try again. Our Spiritual awareness is purposely erased before we are born and it can be very hard to regain. You can draw some comfort at least from the fact you suspect its existence and you are trying to consciously re-connect.


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