Everyone is Special

We seem to be living through a culture of celebrity. We are surrounded by celebrity magazines, TV shows etc. Many people are obsessed with looking, and being, just like their celebrity heroes.

In the 60’s Andy Warhol said “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” Judging from some of bit-part soap actors and one-hit pop singers now deemed “celebrities”, the future is now. But is it healthy?

Most of us have heroes – actors, sportspeople, people who seem to accomplish more than we ever could. We naturally look up to these people as role models, try to emulate them – as best we can.

Heroes serve as guides, showing us what is possible if we choose to live constructively. And that is good.

But like all things, heroes – or rather our attitude towards them – needs to be kept in perspective. Every single living entity is special, be they president, superstar, the guy in drugstore or the tramp at the corner of the street. We have all chosen to be born with a specific purpose. And that includes ourselves.

For all their achievements, our heroes too are human, with human imperfections.

By all means have and admire your heroes. Learn from and be inspired by them. But have no lesser respect for any other human being, for when the flesh is stripped away as one day it surely shall, what will remain of all – including you – is an eternal Spirit. And that is very special indeed.


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