The death of the physical body is life’s only certainty, so why do we fear this inevitability?
Is it because the ultimate unknown jars with our innate desire for certainty? Or perhaps because we have been scared by religious teachings of hell and eternal suffering? Or do we merely dread the possibility of our own annihilation and the complete futility of our lives that such a prospect implies.
Whatever the reason, it is fear that is futile.
Our new article Why do we fear death? discusses the origins of and advises on how it may be overcome.
Rational science teaches that we are mere automata, chance freaks of nature that just happened to be thrown together by the winds of fate. Rational science is without peer within the physical domain. And yet beyond this realm is utterly impotent. Science cannot even begin to address questions of the Spirit.
There are countless reasons for optimism that our inner essence survives physical death. Numerous individual accounts of contact with departed loved ones, a mass of evidence from clairvoyant mediumship, near death experiences, reincarnation…
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