by Gabriel of Urantia
America—(the regathering of the ancient tribes of Israel)—is now at a transition point, which will determine how the rest of the tribulation will go in the next four years on Earth, particularly in America and Western civilization. The forces of the fallen mind have been at war with the forces of the light and souls of light and love.
But now in America, at this present hour, hate is the dominant force that rules America. It is not just one person but multiple millions of people who are racist and unloving, selfish and greedy, uncouth and materialistic. There is no difference between a rich greedy person and a poor racist. Both are immoral.
Americans are blinded and deceived by false leaders, who no longer have a vision for the common good of the people. Although the Emancipation Proclamation was put into effect in his lifetime, the vision of Abraham Lincoln has not achieved anywhere near his hope, now almost 200 years later.
Too many—on both sides of the spectrum in America, of “red†and “blueâ€â€”still have that same false Great American Dream, whereas if one gets what they want, another one does not, and there is no equality. There can never be equality of education if one goes to Harvard and another goes to the community college of your city. There could never be medical equality as long as there is not free medical and dental for all. There does not have to be health insurance if there is free medical and dental.
So we kid ourselves in America, and most Americans are slaves to the puppet masters, who are slaves to the system that works only for the rich. And we think by voting we have voiced our rights. In America there are no rights left. There really never have been. We continue to play ring-around-the-rosy, and we all fall down.
The American Constitution was written by men tired of the old order of Europe, who did have a vision for equal rights and equality for the New World, but they still allowed the slave system to exist. So much for equality. And a civil war took place a hundred years later, in which hundreds of thousands of Americans died and nothing was really accomplished, because hate is in the hearts of people and cannot be legislated. What about the attempts of genocide to the Native Americans (Indigenous) of Turtle Island/the United States and all South America!
Only by freewill choice can love take the place of hate. And it seems that too many who write the articles, make the films, and speak on the radio are propagators of the system of greed rather than the system of equality, because it works for them, not for the common man or woman.
If one who reads this knows what is written in the Old and New Testaments and The Cosmic Family volumes, you should come to the conclusion that we are in the mid tribulation. It is not ahead of us. It is now. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes, fires, and floods all over the world, and in the next four years it will get worse, as the tribulation started September 23, 2017 with the sign of the Virgin in the stars, which was the sign of her giving birth to a Divine New Order and to the Christ Child, who is coming again. And He is coming for His true children, who want His perfect will in their lives. And His perfect will is the way of the Tao, the way of love, the way of compassion, the way of putting your brother and sister first, before yourself.
Against these things there is no law. All humanity must choose between a broken and fallen system and the Kingdom of God, which will rule forever on this planet and all other planets in time and space.
Jesus said, “Because you say you see, you are blind.†So many people think they are right in their own eyes, but it is written that the end for those who think they are always right is destruction and death. This is the attitude in America of both sides. And as long as you talk both sides, you are divided into halves. Both sides say they know God. But who does truly know God? Jesus said that he who does the will of my Father are His true children.
Perhaps there should be a third party, and that party should be called the Kingdom of God. How many would be proud to wear that banner? That banner does not have a color. That banner talks about the fruits of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And love puts his or her brother or sister before him- or herself. That banner teaches hope, not fear. It teaches faith over fear.
Jesus told the rich to give it away to the poor. Jesus never ran for President. He ran away from the banners of this world. How blind we have become, who call ourselves Christians. The Christians of the first century went to their deaths as martyrs. They did not accept quasi-Christianity.
There is only one way to now truly save America, because it does not matter who wins this election. Both sides dwell in the fallen system, and Americans—who are the Lost Tribes of Israel—must now leave the fallen system and walk by faith and trust that God will drop manna from the sky, like He did to the ancient Israelites on their way to the Promised Land. A Divine New Order needs to be set up, not only here in America, but all over the world. And that will only take place when the Promised One of all religions returns to the earth.
We must choose sides now between the fallen system and the Kingdom of God and join the Spiritualution, in right relationship with the Creator and following His perfect will for your life. There is no other answer.
Gabriel of Urantia is one of the most unique and distinct spiritual leaders and authors of our time. His work provides wisdom, cosmic absolutes, and answers to the questions of the seeking soul.
He is the co-founder of Global Community Communications Alliance, a multifaceted global change 501(c)(3) nonprofit, comprised of approximately 120 change agents from five continents, and The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion both located in Tumacácori, Arizona.
His lifelong devotion to God and service to humankind has led him through many levels of spiritual growth resulting in his founding a variety of innovative and highly successful programs for helping others to ascend spiritually so they can heal and prosper as ascending souls of God and fulfil their God-given destinies.
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