Beat Your Insomnia With Yoga – 5 Yoga Poses For Insomnia

by Manmohan Singh

Summary: Difficulty falling asleep? Don’t worry and read this blog to know some effective yoga poses to beat insomnia.


A Restful sleep is required for the recovery and proper functioning of the body. On an average, a person should sleep for 7-8 hours daily. Sleeping is a natural process, but there are people who are facing issue with this most natural process of sleeping.

Sleeping disorders are becoming quite common these days. We can blame the stressful life to an extent. Hectic lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, technology, etc., lead to a poor quality of sleep and also sleep deprivation. Insomnia can lead to various ailments, but with the help of yoga, you can keep all of them at bay.

Here is amazingly effective yoga poses to beat insomnia and deal with a majority of sleep-related issues.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)

Standing forward bend is a wonderful pose that releases tension, relaxes the body, and helps you to have a good night’s sleep.



  • Stand straight with feet together and hands on the side.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • While exhaling, bend your torso forward from the hips.
  • Touch your feet with the hands or simply place the hands on the floor beside the feet.
  • If you are unable to touch the feet or the floor, fold your arms in front of you.
  • Maintain distance between your torso and knees, and keep the knees straight.
  • Let your head and neck hang, but do not put a strain on them.
  • Hold the pose for 30-40 seconds while inhaling and exhaling.
  • Release the pose and slowly return to the starting position.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Balasana or child’s pose is often associated with a resting pose that calms you and reduces stress.


  • Sit on the floor on your knees with an erect spine.
  • Your toes may touch each other as you sit on the heels.
  • Make yourself comfortable and expand the knees hip-width apart.
  • Now slowly bend forward the upper body from the hips and let it rest on the thighs.
  • Stretch the hands forward and place the palms in the front, facing down.
  • Hold the position for 60 seconds. Release and return to the starting position.

Viparita Karani Asana (Legs Up The Wall Pose)

Viparita Karani asana or legs-up-the-wall pose is also called the Inverted Leg Pose. Usually, the practice of this asana is conducted in the morning after clearing the bowels. But to induce quality sleep it is better to practice it a few minutes before bedtime.


  • Find a place near a wall and lie straight on your back on the floor.
  • Let your hips touch the wall. Your hands should be placed straight beside your body with the palms facing upward.
  • Now slowly lift the legs upward against the wall and make sure that the back of your legs touches the wall.
  • Your legs should be straight and the soles of your feet should be parallel to the ceiling.
  • Your body should form a 90-degree angle.
  • Now slowly lift the hips. Use your hands or a bolster for support.
  • Relax the body and breath. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds. Release and roll on any side.

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

The asana is great for chakra-cleansing and re-energizes you. It reduces the stress that leads to issues like insomnia, depression, sleep troubles, etc.


  • Lie straight and flat on your back on the floor. Now bend your knees (outward) and gently bring the feet together and let both the soles of the feet touch together.
  • Place the heels close to the groin and your palms should be placed next to your hips facing downward.
  • Breathe out and let the abdominal muscles contract as the tailbone moves close to the pelvis.
  • Breathe in and quickly breathe out again. Let your knees open up and create a good stretch in the inner thighs and groin.
  • Do not put pressure on the lower spine and hold the pose for a minute. Release and gradually return to the starting position.

Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Savasana or the corpse pose is the final pose for every yoga practice session. The asana lets you relax and reset. It reconnects the breath, centers your mind, releases stress, and relaxes the body.


  • Lie on your back on the floor with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Your hands should be placed at your sides and palms facing upwards.
  • Close your eyes. Breathe slowly and relax.
  • Be in the position for 10-15 minutes.

A good night’s sleep is the basic necessity of our body. The feeling of being tired and not being able to fall asleep is absurd and annoying. These Yoga asanas relax the muscles and soothe the nervous system and reward a restful sleep to the practitioner.


Author Bio: Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He provides Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas.


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