Heal Self to Fulfill Purpose

David was a healer. From his earliest childhood he wanted to help others and alleviate suffering. David sailed through medical school and became a successful doctor. Using his vast knowledge, alongside an indescribable instinct, he specialized in treating patients that other doctors had given up on, usually with excellent results.

As word about David spread, more and more patients came to his door. He never turned anyone away. David didn’t work for money, but to fulfill his very purpose.

Over time David became so busy he started sleeping less and less and skipping meals. He looked pale and drawn. But still the patients came, and still he felt compelled to help each and every one.

One day David was so tired he made a mistake. It was a serious mistake that cost the patient’s life. David was so distraught he never healed anyone else.

David is a fictional character, but there is something of him in all of us. We all have a mission to help others because at source we are all one. Doing a good deed of any kind carries its own reward in the buzz of satisfaction it gives the doer.

Practically from birth we’re conditioned to put others first. Whether its an acknowledgement of the fundamental unity of all, or a hangover from over-zealous religious dogma matters not; in many cases the need to deprecate personal interests verges on obsessional. And the fruits of self-interest are all too often guilt, overt or hidden.

Before setting out for a car journey you would of course check your vehicle is in satisfactory condition, and take any necessary steps to bring it up to scratch. You’d naturally want to minimize the chance of your vehicle failing along the way. On airplanes the primary safety instruction is to secure your own oxygen mask before attempting to aid others. And so with life, you need to make sure your body and mind are in the best possible state so they might make the best job of the journey ahead.

You were born with a mission. Serving others is right and good, a significant part of our mission. But pursuing your own interests and welfare is never wrong, indeed it is a necessary precondition to fulfilling that mission of service. It’s often wisely said that to love others we must first love ourselves. But it’s also true that to really serve others we must also serve our own needs.

As a unique and beautiful individual you have the right to security, comfort and pleasure. The earth has these things in abundance, and it’s our right and duty to partake fully of them while helping others do the same.

Do the sums and you’ll undoubtedly find a long list of contributions you’ve made to the general good. Pat yourself on the back wherever it’s due. And resolve to continue that positive influence by giving yourself the strongest platform from which to make it.

Make plenty of me time. Me time is of the highest importance; it’s where you indulge yourself in earthly pleasures, or allow yourself to simply just be. The amount of me time needed varies greatly from person to person, but without it we cannot fulfill our purpose of being.

The lesson is to stop feeling bad about taking care of yourself and sometimes placing your own interests ahead of others. Pursue the pleasures that are yours by right, and in so doing give yourself the strength to help others to your full potential.

Returning to our story let’s consider a different twist. As David became busier so he hired some assistants. He trained the assistants in his methods so they might screen prospective patients. Sometimes the assistants helped patients directly; sometimes they’d be referred to David.

And David took time to smell the roses. His workload remained manageable, and he remained able to give his very best to every patient he saw. And he continued to help many patients for many, many years.


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