A recent report Four in ten people believe in ghosts by UK public theology think tank Theos revealed that even in these days of technology and rationality there remains substantial belief in a wide range of supernatural phenomena. Across the United Kingdom 53% stated a belief in life after death, 55% in “heaven”, 22% in astrology/horoscopes, 39% in ghosts, 15% in fortune telling/tarot, 27% in reincarnation, and a massive 70% in the human soul.
It strikes me that despite the undoubtedly humongous multi-directional progress of the 20th century, humans as a species still feel something missing in their existence, a something that cannot be bought by dollars or filled by the latest techno-gadget.
Despite its spatial and temporal enormity, the physical universe of which we are currently a part is itself but an infinitesimal part of all that is. Though our overriding purpose in this lifetime is to make the best of the experience, we remain part of the greater whole. And that is why, regardless of the material advances we may enjoy along the journey, at our deepest instinctive level we remain connected to the great oneness from which we originated and to which we will return.
Our seemingly irrational but ever-persistent beliefs are merely evidence of that greater reality that contains and transcends the physical plane, and of which we shall always be a part.
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