By Dr. Stewart BitkoffÂ
Q: Â In this age, many are awaiting the return of the Great Teacher. Please speak to this prophecy.
It is a prophecy that the Great Teacher will return and again turn hearts upward in remembrance. As circumstance dictates, the Great Teacher will make public the Teaching. Always it is the same spiritual teaching that is updated into a modern form. At present the work and teaching occurs on a spiritual level.
The teaching is that the great religions are all one and spring from the same source. Mankind has forgotten to sip of this ancient river and experience the inner reality of God’s Love and Mercy through the Light.
We are all brothers and sisters and are most distant from our lasting spiritual nature when we forget to experience this reality. This is the eternal teaching and how to accomplish this is the inner mystery teaching of the great religions.
When the Light is experienced on a daily basis, this experience is integrating and makes us whole, better able to serve.
Until the Great Teacher emerges, turn inward toward God, and ask to drink of God’s Love and Mercy. For in the spiritual realm, there is no time and distance and the teaching can be made manifest at any time or place.
*Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *
He Shall Walk
And he shall walk among us again.
His presence shall sing of breezes
From mountain streams;
Touching hearts with a loving caress.
All men and women shall bow before his majesty
And ask forgiveness for their fears.
He shall awaken a realization, never known,
Of the Creator’s Mercy.
Men and women shall weep in the arms of their fellows.
Nations that were parted
Shall be joined
And all people shall again be One
With the Father/Mother.
*Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *
The Prophecy
Traveler:Â Â Tell me of the Prophecy.
Master:Â Â It is written
That all you see
Shall be destroyed
And from the ashes
He will arise.
The Dove
Shall be reborn.
He shall spread his wings
And gather together all of humanity,
Drawing each person to God’s Bosom.
Traveler:Â Â Why is this terrible destruction
Master:Â Â For many years
Humanity has failed
To follow the Laws
And like the babe
Who plays with the flame,
The heat must be experienced.
In the burning,
The Lesson shall be taught.
As the fire cleanses
Our hearts shall herald
The new world’s birth.
Traveler:Â Â I am frightened.
Tell me of the new world
And ease my fears.
Master:Â Â The mountains shall fall away,
The night shall bow to the day,
And each person shall awaken
To the Name of God
Caressing their lips.
From the Dove’s nest
Humanity shall be joined
In the One Religion.
And each man will be cherished
As part of the whole.
From the Creator’s Heart
This wondrous dream
Shall become reality,
And you will experience it all.
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