Author: Benoit Le Chevallier
For reference about 2012, pineal gland, time travel, UFOs, humans from the future, shift of the earth Kundalini energy, galactic comity, etc.
Converging prophecies raise our attention to a change that people like to pinpoint in time to December 21st, 2012.
First a reminder, change is the only constant in life.
I first became aware of the concept of 2012 as the end of an era for humanity, in 2003 when hearing the ending of the “History Ends In Green” recorded presentation by Terrence McKenna (March 1993). His Novelty theory and “Time Wave: Zero Point” ends on Dec 21st 2012, coinciding with the end of the Mayan Calendar.
This raised my curiosity.
I decided to open myself up to all possibilities. I since then have met other curious individuals, and read books to get as many perspectives on the subject as possible. I have seen bookstore shelves slowly showing books on the great shift, 2012, etc. and in the past couple of years, following the acceleration patterns, New Age sections at bookstores are filled with books about 2012.
What it boils down to today, from my perspective given the information I have gathered, is that we are in an accelerating phase of transformation for all of life in the universe. This phase in our human time is called the nanosecond, the last 25 years (1987-2012) of the 13000 years it takes the earth to go half way around the center of our galaxy.
This is also the end of a 10 billion year project to create the ultimate being, made from the DNA of the four master races of the universe, manifestations of the first 4 basic elements of universal life born from the original oneness. We were created from 3 strands of DNA from each of the 4 master races, so with 12 strands of DNA.
The word out on the street is that up to a few thousand years ago, humanity was benefiting from its full abilities. As the human experiment evolved, master beings in charge allowed renegades of another life form to take over humanity in order to weed out the week ones. Taking the task very seriously this race deactivated 10 of our DNA strands and slowly blinded us from our third eye to keep us in the dark and use us to satisfy their own agenda.
As 2012 approaches, all past hidden secrets are revealed, truth becomes the rule, and our guardians are letting us go freely, so we all as one with all of life in the universe, can help and be part of the great shift to a higher frequency, a higher vibration, a higher dimension of existence.
We are fast approaching the point of instant manifestation. Each of us will experience 2012 differently, depending on each our state of acceptance of life beyond the 3D physical world. Our thoughts manifest now faster and faster, until the point of instantaneous manifestation in late 2012
Now. we cam make anything happen with our thoughts. so let’s put oj.
In 2012, I see light and peace. What do you see? (Have you used your pineal gland consciously lately?
Our third eye is our pineal gland, located at the very center of our brain. The pineal gland is made and operates like an eye, with water inside and a retina. Our third eye is used to visualize what we cannot see with our eyes and only imagine. Our third eye operates in reverse from our 2 external eyes.
Our two eyes see the three dimensional space in our one dimensional perceived moment, which we call time.
Our pineal gland accesses one point in space, one dimensional space, and three dimensions of time, the Time Space perspective, connecting past, present and future. We can see past, present and future.
The pineal gland has water inside, and that water calcifies with the bombardment of electronics, with fluoride in water and toothpaste, with refined and processed sugars and fats, with sodas, etc, in a similar way that these affect our two eyes.
Why is it that people on a diet based on more raw unprocessed food items all develop psychic abilities whether they are aware of them or not? Why is it that people who meditate can communicate with spirits and have visions of the future? Because we all can do it. Because we all are equipped with the same tools, we are all born with the same tools and we all have the ability to see the past present and future in the moment we live in, in all places as one common place for all.
Open your third eye and let what you see guide you to unconditional love. We live in heaven. We have to realize that we live in heaven, awaken to the fact that we live in heaven, and we have build a cage in heaven, thinking that we need to protect ourselves, motivated by fear through the power of mass consciousness.
The good news is we become aware that we have been dormant, that we have been releasing our power to other people, other living beings, and we have been coming back from the future ourselves. Our self consciousness life in the future is connecting with us today to tell each of us individually what’s coming up! So, we can then be better prepared, and this becomes the cycle of life, how life helps itself and gets better by learning from the past the present and the future.
A neuroscientist at one of the Message Company International Consciousness Conferences on science and consciousness explains his scientific discovery about how a signal is sent into the nervous system from cell to cell, showing that the message arrives at its destination before it leaves. In the same way that we are able with the help of the pineal gland to operate in the three dimensional time, and a single dimension of space, right where we are, the singularity of all space.
To see in the three dimensional space of time, within the past the present and the future resides the whole of life that resides in the single moment, in the single space, that operates multidimensionally. Here we live, in the heart of it all, one with all of it.
For a list of reference books please check
Benoit Le Chevallier
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About the Author
Counselor for Self Acceptance: Manifestation through creation. Benoit Le Chevallier shares freely his life years of spiritual experiences and understanding in writings published on his website
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