2012 – Armageddon Or New Humanity?

Author: Eliza Mada Dalian

December 2012 signifies the end of the old and the beginning of a new cycle in the history of human consciousness. The polar axis of the earth has been gradually moving since the 50s. As it shifts to its final position, a new energy will be freed to set into motion the new era of humanity and help it enter into a higher vibration of existence. Like an earthquake that quivers things on the surface of the planet, the final shift in polar axis will create massive destruction on the physical, mental, and emotional planes all around the globe. Everything that we have built and lived with for 25,000 years in these three realities will be tested for their viability and possibility of survival. The North and South weather will reverse, and the power and wealth will shift from the hands of the greedy to the hands of the light workers.

The Universe evolves and expands as a result of transformation of the unconscious energies into consciousness. Through millions of years of evolution of consciousness on this planet, the energy vibrations that were sustainable on a physical plane have now become obsolete and are beginning to prevent further evolution in consciousness. Mother Nature now feels an existential need to destroy the old outdated structures humanity has created on this planet so that a new structure can be put into motion.

The last great destruction happened during the Atlantian era. This was inevitable due to the imbalance of power within the human race. We are now in a similar situation, where only a very few hold power and control over the masses. Their power is fueled by insecurity, greed, and manipulation, and is designed to benefit just a few. This imbalance can no longer sustain itself and is vividly evident through the global economic and political breakdown.

Terrorists exist because of different religious ideologies and political values. They exist because of the suppression of the individual and his and her potential for consciousness, freedom, and joy. Many people now recognize that unless they decide living with one universal consciousness, humanity might disappear as a species.

The New Era will bring with it an awareness of Universal Consciousness. Though the beginning of the new era is signified by the year 2012, the preparation for it has been going on for thousands of years. There have been many teachers who have come and gone throughout the centuries and have left their footprints, but they have not been able to help on a global scale because their teachings were localized in small areas. Starting with the most ancient teachings of the Upanishadic seers in India ninety thousand years ago, many masters have pointed to the need for self-awareness and self-realization. Unfortunately, up until now, very few people were conscious and intelligent enough to recognize the message of their teachings and find their own inner truth.

With the appearance of the Buddha 2,500 years ago, a new cycle of manifestation of consciousness began. As his teachings spread from India to China, to Japan and eventually throughout the world, more and more people became aware that through a simple technique of just watching ones breath it was possible to break out of the illusion created by the ego-mind and experience transcendence into oneness. The Buddha, in a way, fathered the concept of enlightenment and gave specific instructions on how to achieve it through meditation. What the Buddha put into motion 2,500 years ago will come to fruition and a collective transformation into the New Era of Universal Consciousness is now possible.

Another teacher of the same caliber as the Buddha, Osho, lived in the past century. Osho created havoc for the old organized structures and outlined the blue print of how the New Man and the New Humanity can be created and function in a completely new way. He spoke of the need to disconnect from the past by destroying the old outdated social, religious, and political structures that have kept humans in shackles and he sowed the seeds on how to live with a new vision. These seeds will be absolutely pure of any kind of doctrine, greed, jealousy, and conditionings and will brings fresh new flowers that we have never seen before.

A significant number of humans are now recognizing that everyone belongs to the same universe and no one can ever be separate from Creation. Many are becoming aware of their innate state of power and religiosity, which is independent of any organized religious belief or conditioning. Many are beginning to see that the Will of Creation is the ultimate Will, and they are recognizing the deception of the ego that keeps them separate from the whole.

Those who see this will be able to surrender their separate will and be blessed with an opportunity to heal into consciousness and find their immortal being, which endlessly journeys within the vastness of this compassionate Universe, continually learning, creating, and expanding in consciousness. Each moment of healing into consciousness will help to prepare us for the ultimate surrender and liberation from our ego-mind. Those who gather the courage to surrender the small will of their ego will be the torch-bearers for the new cycle of evolution of humanity and will lead the way.

It took 25,000 years for enough people to evolve into greater consciousness and they are now ready to make a difference in shifting and transforming the collective into a new level of wakefulness.

Facing the Inevitable Truth

The Mayan calendar ending at 2012 signifies that our old way of living will also end. Each individual will face an opportunity to liberate their consciousness from the fears created by the conditionings of the ego. Whether we like it or not, everyone will be faced with needing to accept the truth that there is only One Existence and One God. The multiple concepts of God have been created out of fear of the unknown and the need to control. These man-made concepts about the many different Gods have created much pain and suffering for humanity and have brought us to self-destruction. Our survival is now predicated on renunciation of the many different concepts of God and unification as cosmic beings belonging to the earth and the universe.

The year 2012 will bring us an opportunity to start living with awareness that we are the creators of our own destiny and thus need to take responsibility for our own actions. Instead of allowing others to dictate what’s right and wrong for us individually we need to learn to stand up for our own inner truth.

Up until now the old structures have encouraged humanity to live in constant fear of death and struggle for survival. Due to this everyone has learned to suppress their true thoughts and emotions and behave artificially. Even if we think that we have a free will, our fears undermine it. 2012 will shed new light on our fears and will encourage us to be honest with ourselves and others. By becoming aware of the unconscious state we have lived in and by taking the needed action to be honest and truthful we can truly exercise our free will and experience true Love and Joy.

The New Beginning

The end of 2012 will be the end of the world as we know it. 2012 will awaken us out of our collective sleep and will destroy our old beliefs, ideologies, and behavior patterns. All our emotional, mental, and physical foundations will be shaken, giving us an opportunity to surrender our fears, conditionings and old belief systems. This destruction will help us purify our first three chakras, and propel us collectively higher into the fourth chakra, where we will begin to function through our heart.

In a sense, this destruction will not be negative, although it may seem so at a first glance. The farmer knows that in order to sow new seeds he needs to first till the soil. If we are to survive the changes and create a new foundation we need to surrender our attachments to old social, political, and religious conditionings and sow new seeds based on honesty, integrity and purity of the heart. To start a new garden we need to weed it first. If the weeds are left to grow, they will eventually take over the garden and will suffocate the delicate flowers. Similarly, we need to weed our old patterns so we can awaken to our true potential.

2012 will shake people on many different levels. Many will realize that everything is temporary and sooner or later will be taken away. People will start to see that the only thing that matters and is of value are their heart connections.

2012 will give humanity an opportunity to dissolve borders and allow for conscious people to run the world’s affairs. The leaders will be those who have the best intentions at heart for all humans. The society will begin serving the individual and help each person blossom to their fullest potential.

The new beginning will give birth to a new man and a new woman who will follow the way of the heart instead of belong to any nation, or religious ideology. They will follow their own intelligence and inner knowing, and will be true to their own nature, which knows that we are all one and we are all God.

2012 – An Opportunity for True Love

2012 will bring many opportunities to build a new foundation that can support true love. Love has only been a concept until now. Christ consciousness can only be lived through the heart. To be truly loving, one need not talk about love but live in love and act out of love. True love brings freedom, not bondage, and it allows the other to find his and her own truth. True love does not impose. It has no conditions attached. True love allows the other to fly with his or her own wings. True love can only be felt and not talked about. True love is an ability to feel and know the transcendental. True love helps us to transcend the mind and move higher in consciousness. True love is our ability to share ourselves with others and the universe without fear. True love is the foundation of joy and creativity. True love is the foundation of honesty and truthfulness. True love does not compromise, control and manipulate.

Because these qualities are missing in our social structure, true love has remained only a possibility up until now. Once we stop cultivating competitiveness, emotions like jealousy and envy will melt away, and we will begin to experience and live in true love.

Most of our literature and life experiences have been based on the raw emotions of the first three chakras. We have learned to live with internal and external struggle and drama. We have created make-believe structures and ideologies about love and how it should be practiced. In the name of love, we have been conditioned to suppress and compromise our inner truth. Rarely have we seen and experienced the beauty and grace that arises out of spiritual values such as bliss, kindness, and unconditional love. Rarely have we experienced pure love that has no attachments to outcomes.

Everything artificial will soon be exposed on a mass scale. 2012 will bring to surface both our beauty as well as our ugliness. Those who are after their own selfish interests will become more and more visible and more and more miserable. Those who have been working hard to purify themselves and find their true being will have much to be grateful for, for they will find true happiness and joy which is within their own heart.

Children – Our Golden Future

Humans have lived giving lip service to each other and have taught their children to do the same. We have all been taught to manipulate and use each other to meet our own selfish needs. We all know too well how we use beautiful words but don’t mean what we say. We have taught our children to follow suit and have turned them into artificial mechanical robots just like we are. To heal this damage and allow for the new seeds to sprout we need to start honoring our children and make sure that we don’t contaminate their innate wisdom with dogmas and beliefs. We need to encourage our children to find their own truth and live by their own light, strength, and wisdom. Instead of instilling fear in children, the new structure will support and encourage them to find their individuality and discover for themselves what is false and what is true.

Children need to grow having the support of their parents to learn to stand up for themselves. They need to communicate to the world that they are not willing to live with the old outdated structures and they need to create their own future based on their own inner wisdom and sense of honesty and fairness.

The new changes will not happen overnight. Once the ground is tilled and the new seeds are in place, we need to nurture them by watering them and giving the needed sunshine and air so they can sprout. It will take time for the new seedlings to grow and develop. In order for this to happen, those of us who are conscious and aware need to keep weeding the ground around our children so the weeds don’t choke their delicate growth before they come to their maturity.

Are you Ready?

The transition through 2012 is going to be difficult for some people, yet easy for others. The level of difficulty will depend on how well each person has prepared himself or herself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

It is all a matter of vibration. To prepare oneself means to refine your energy vibration. This can only be done by taking full responsibility for your own transformation from unconsciousness into consciousness. It is each person’s responsibility to start functioning from higher energy centers (charkas) to move past the ego-mind and its desires. In the higher chakras, fear of survival, competitiveness, and the sense of separation are transformed into love, compassion, and awareness of one’s true being. Once we recognize that our being never dies, we truly understand the meaning and purpose of life. If more people start living with the awareness that their being is eternal and indestructible, and that no one can control and manipulate them, most fears will disappear. People will be happy to take risks and begin living in the present instead of dwelling on the past or escaping into the future.

2012 can be a year of mourning or a year of celebration. It will depend on what you choose it to be. It will be mourning for those who do not want to let go of their attachments and desires, and a year of celebration for those who are ready to surrender their ego-mind and awaken to the truth of their Being. Regardless of our choice, we will be forced to live in a new way. The new way will honor truthfulness, authenticity, and integrity instead of honoring fearful, controlling, and manipulative behaviors. The new way will expose selfish behaviors and will honor sincerity, courage, and compassion for others. Instead of persecuting those who expose their inner light to dispel darkness, humanity will begin treating them with reverence and respect for their contribution. And those who are ready to honor the light of their own consciousness will pave the way to their own salvation.

As we move towards the Enlightened Era in human evolution, we will begin remembering our true source and immortality, and will stop suffering. Those with best intentions at heart for themselves and others will set the new standards of social living. Their light will shine brightly paving the way for many others to transit between the old and the new. No harm will come to those who are conscious, as their consciousness alone will protect them.

The paradise that we seek outside of our true nature is already within us. To begin living paradise on Earth, we simply need to change our internal vibrations from unconsciousness into consciousness!

Seven Things you can do to Prepare for the 2012 Shift

  1. Ask yourself Who am I? and Why am I Here? Examine your attitude towards life and death and search for your eternal being.
  2. Surrender your personal will to the Will of Existence and whatever life brings you moment to moment.
  3. Make a list of your fears and allow yourself to act in spite of them. Don’t be afraid to be different.
  4. Understand and break through your social and religious conditionings. Search within to find your own answers instead of relying on other people’s opinion of what’s right for you.
  5. Look for the lessons you need to learn in every situation in spite of the ups and downs of life.
  6. Be honest with yourself and others and take full responsibility for your thoughts and emotions.
  7. Live each day as if it’s your last, and trust that existence always takes care of you.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/new-age-articles/2012-armageddon-or-new-humanity-1857797.html

About the Author

Eliza Mada Dalian is a multi award-winning author of In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness (recipient of six book awards). She is a spiritual guide, mystic, and founder of an evolutionary new healing method – DHM (Dalian Healing Method), which is the 21st Century healing method for instant transformation from pain and suffering into health and consciousness. More details at, www.madadalian.com.


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