(The Once Middle Class), The Cry of the Indigenous, And The 99% Movement
by Gabriel of Urantia
When I was a young man in my late twenties, I went to a sweat lodge facilitated by a shaman in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who was a Taino native from the tribe where Christopher Columbus landed in Central America. I told him about a book I was reading by two white Harvard graduates and pointed out a part in the book that talked about some seagulls showing up over Columbus’ ship and guiding them to the landing where the Taino lived. They attributed this to Manifest Destiny—God. The shaman corrected the theory and told me that this so-called “manifest destiny,†perpetrated by the white powers, meant the deaths of millions of indigenous and the suppression of them for hundreds of years until this day. I did my own research, and the shaman was correct, of course.
Those imperialists and colonizers from Europe liked to believe that God was with them as they shed the blood of the innocents throughout history. American imperialism has been no different. The power-elite at least used to create a middle class, so that the people wouldn’t totally rebel from the power-elite’s greedy control. Somewhere along the way, they became so greedy that they lost sight that you can’t have everybody against you, that you have to at least give the middle class a home, a car, enough money to put their kids through college, and who knows, an extra home in the mountains or a boat even. This is called The Great American Dream.
I was from a lower-middle-class family, born and raised in the inner city that, over the years, became more of a ghetto of racial boundaries by the time I was in my late teens. From ages 1 to 12, the homes shared “party walls,†where you can hear the activities of your neighbors next door, on both sides. In the back was a junkyard with rats as large as small dogs. From ages 12 to 22, my very small backyard was surrounded by a black saloon behind my house, a liquor store on one side, and a warehouse on the other. I knew something was wrong with capitalism when I ventured out to the suburbs or other areas of the city that were more prominent. I dreamed about living in one of those homes with a swimming pool and big yard.
Even though I had straight A’s in grade school and junior high, I was not accepted in a better academic high school because the education board said my A’s were “equivalent to C’s†by their standards. So I was sent to an all-black high school where I was often the only white kid in my class. I got to know very well the oppression of the blacks and identified with them in many ways.
The Tea Baggers say that anyone can lift themselves by their bootstraps and become “successfulâ€â€”that is successful in making money, maybe even becoming a millionaire. They can say this all they want because none of them ever lived in the inner city, in the ghetto. The majority of them are not black and have no idea of the struggles and oppression and marginalization still suffered by the blacks in this country, and now even the Latinos. Always the Native Americans have had to live with this disenfranchisement. Now the Tea Baggers token Republican black man, Herman Cain, is their example of a black man who has pulled himself up by the bootstraps and accomplished The Great American Dream. But Cain, on the inside, is more “white†than Ronald Reagan in his thinking, consciousness, and politics.
No matter what color individuals may be, if they are part of the power-elite, the corporate powers, the banking system that control this country and world, they are the same Christopher Columbus’s that will land their ideology on the door steps of the marginalized people all over America and the world, because they are still looking for gold. They come in the name of peace and prosperity but want to put you and your family into bondage and slavery and rape your pocketbooks. When the once-middle-class and their college-age children were able to obtain that Great American Dream, they did not notice and said nothing about the suffering of the marginalized, poor, and disenfranchised. Just a few of them joined the ranks of Martin Luther King, Jr. in marches in America.
Most of them sat home and watched the civil disobedience on their televisions, just like the parents of the white kids, who can’t pay their loans off now or get jobs, are doing. The 99% movement is just another show to them, like a reality show that they can watch while they eat their dinners and drink their wine. The difference is some of their children are on TV now. That is, if corporate media allows the parents to see any of the film clips, because they usually don’t give it coverage. Only the parents who have learned to use the Internet or those who have satellite and can watch alternative programs like Free Speech TV and Link TV can see what’s happening.
It is these millions of once-middle-class Americans, who still have enough money in the bank to retire, who need to really join the Occupy movement. They are definitely a part of the 99%, but they aren’t affected yet—just their college-age children are. Unless these Baby Boomers do what needs to be done to bring the system down, the Occupy movement will not succeed until all Baby Boomers’ money is gone. And that could be sooner than they think, if a total economic collapse happens.
There is no George Bailey (played by Jimmy Stewart in It’s A Wonderful Life)—you know the banker who made sure all the people got their money back. No, when the banks take all your money—as the old baseball broadcaster would say—kiss it goodbye!
What you Baby Boomers and some of your children who have been able to find jobs have to do now is consider quitting those jobs, if you are working for banks, weapons factories, and nuclear plants. This will be the only thing that will bring down the greedy banking system and the military industrial complex.
Different forms of energy to power cars have been invented for years, but the powers-that-be won’t let that information out and stop all production of alternative energies. Even solar energy is priced so high that hardly anyone can afford it except the rich, and when the electric companies give a deal to the common man, they take half the energy for themselves. No, there has to be a national strike by people in all walks of life who work for the greedy system, for the fallen system. It doesn’t serve humanity any longer.
All people need to see themselves as indigenous, in the sense of it’s not a matter of black, white, red, or yellow anymore, it’s a matter of the “have’s†and the “have-not’s.†It really never was an issue of color, because the rich have made it an issue to keep the poor fighting among themselves. The rich are the puppet masters, and we all, regardless of race, have been the puppets.
I can believe in a manifest destiny led by the Creator where all people—black, red, white, yellow (a true melting pot)—are treated equally, are given a free and quality education and healthcare, and who have equal opportunity to meet their God-given destiny. Unfortunately, this is the ideal manifest destiny that never ever happened in Turtle Island, called America, in North or South America, called the Americas.
My father—who was a Marine, a war veteran who fought five years in the Pacific—was a steelworker and was forced to retire in his late sixties and lost half his benefits, both financial and medical. So did thousands of other steelworkers. He worked for Jones & Laughlin. I bet you that family didn’t lose any benefits. My father died in his seventies, and my mother now is in her eighties and has to live in a two-room apartment in a high-rise building to survive. They never owned their own home. They never had enough money to put down on one. Even under the G.I. bill, my father could not save up enough money for the down-payment. It was minimal, but to him, it took food from his two children’s mouths, and he was living paycheck to paycheck. When my father died, my mother had to give up her five-room duplex in the suburbs with a nice little yard because my father’s pension would not adequately take care of her bills. This happened, I’m sure, to thousands of other wives of steelworkers who were also veterans of not just the Second World War but the Korean War and Vietnam.
We can no longer allow these kinds of atrocities to happen in America. We have to act, and we have to act now. There has to be a Spiritualution, meaning you have to trust the Creator to lead and guide you, once you quit those jobs that are not serving humanity in the highest way. You have to find each other and form financial support groups, communities growing your own food, and trying to buy land with water.
This is a revolution of consciousness, where people are waking up to the control of the power-elite over them. But the power-elite will not give up their power easily. I pray to God that it never comes to a conflict of arms, for that can never be the solution. But the people have the right to protect themselves when their lives are threatened.
If enough millions of people do go on strike and join the Spiritualution and trust the Creator to lead and guide them, a peaceful change over of policies in this country can happen, because the power-elite will begin to lose money or they’ll have no employees to serve them in serfdom. When millions of people:
- stop buying the products the power-elite sell in Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target, K-mart, etc.
- stop buying the films produced by greedy Hollywood, who pays millions of dollars to movie stars
- stop going to concerts and making rock stars out of degenerates, drug addicts, and often not-so-talented individuals who sold out to the system to get their record contracts
- stop going to the sports events where they are paying players multi-millions of dollars when our teachers can barely survive or even get jobs
then those in power will be willing to make a deal, without Monty Hall.
The success of “Let’s Make A Deal†was based upon consumerism and people lusting for those things. Didn’t they look silly jumping up and down when they won an appliance or even a car, like an angel came down and said, “Here’s the ticket to Paradise!�
No, Baby Boomers. No, American public. No, Western civilization—it’s time for a real change to happen. No President is going to do it for us. You have to do it, millions of you, everywhere. And it can start with you when you really ask the Creator to be your conscience, your friend, and your guide. Go on strike.
Lest we forget: “In God We Trust†is the United States’ official motto.
Spiritualution—Justice To The People.
Gabriel of Urantia is co-founder of Global Community Communications Alliance in Tumacacori, Arizona, along with Niann Emerson Chase. This unique gathering of change agents from five continents presently consists of eighty adults and twenty-one children. Because Gabriel of Urantia’s work has rocked the status quo in many spiritual circles, he has come against much opposition. However, many have copied his concepts without giving him credit. Gabriel of Urantia’s life is proof of who he is, as he has served humanity since his conversion to God at age twenty-four. Gabriel of Urantia is an Audio Fusion Material Complement and has had numerous supernatural and paranormal experiences with celestial beings who speak through him, as they use his body to communicate higher spiritual teachings from their dimension to this dimension.
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