The Pope and Hell

Pope Benedict has told followers that they face going to hell if they sin. He said: “Hell exists and there is eternal punishment for those who sin and do not repent.” I believe the Pope is both right and wrong with this view.

One problem is that we don’t come to this world to be judged, but rather to learn and grow. By even choosing to incarnate we are Spiritually special. God/Spirit loves us, as a parent loves their child. God would NEVER condemn any of us to eternal damnation, for we are part of God. Hell is a human creation designed by those who wish to keep others under control.

Another problem is that “sin” is not easy (ie impossible) to define as its meaning varies from era to era, place to place, and even one person to another.

But there is a form of hell, though different to the teachings of the church. We are each of us our own harshest critic. Where we have fallen short of our own expectations we feel guilt on earth. On returning to Spirit we are invited to review the life just gone. Any disappointment is reflected in the consitions we create around us. But the key point is we can leave those conditions and move on just as soon as we are ready.

There is no judge, no jury, no jailer, other than ourselves.


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