The US and UK governments invaded and wrecked Iraq because they wrongly thought it had “weapons of mass destruction” (WMDs). They now accuse Iraq also of building WMDs.
Today the UK government voted to spend a vast sum of money £20billion ($40billion) on replacing its Trident submarine nuclear deterrent. Despite the cold war having ended nearly two decades ago. Despite WMDs being utterly useless against so-called terrorism. Despite a large rebellion from Blair’s own party.
Well pardon me, but how come it’s alright for the US and UK to have WMDS, but not for anyone else who they might deem a threat?
No individual, no nation, has the monopoly on righteousness. We are all engaged upon a journey of learning. And economic success is a poor indicator of real progress.
Now to a degree once the first atom bomb was built the cat was out the bag and could never be put back in. Mankind had the knowledge to create these terrible means of destruction and inevitably will one day use them. But it’s worrying to see the leaders of the supposeldy leading nations bringing that day closer. The blind leading the hopefully not so blind.
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