Last week England’s Daily Mail published an article, Learn what the future holds at psychic school … but if you have the gift you’d already know about it by Tanya Gold describing the author’s experiences at a £95 a day psychic school.
“Psych School” is run by “celebrity” medium and author Mia Dolan, who features in the TV show “Haunted Homes” and gives demonstrations of clairvoyance to packed theaters. On the day described 10 participants were led through a series of exercises such as psychometry, seeing auras and guided meditation intended to lead to “the zone”. Gold is unsurprisingly highly scathing of the “Psych School” experience, and indeed it’s unlikely anyone could develop psychism by
merely attending a course such as this. But can we really learn to develop telepathy, precognition and the like?
I think the question is flawed. We are all naturally psychic anyway. Human beings are not bodies that happen to be conscious. We are consciousness or Spirit that happens, temporarily, to have possession of a physical body. Our consciousness is and always will be part of Spirit, and is connected to every other part of that great oneness. Incarnation subdues that connectedness and instead places the emphasis on separation and individuality. The question is not one of learning, but or rediscovering innate gifts.
So how can this rediscovery take place?
Finding a teacher is not essential but a good teacher can help accelerate the process. Avoid like the plague anyone offering to teach psychism for a hefty fee; especially those that claim to do it in a day. There’s no hard and fast rules in selecting a teacher, other than finding one that feels right for you.
Read widely; expose yourself to as many different techniques and philosophies. There’s a nugget of truth in all sincere literature, but you will find that some works simply seem to be echoing truths already known. These are the ones to adopt as your guides.
Remember, you already have these abilities lying dormant deep within. You just need to give them the space to blossom. Make time each day to re-connect with your inner world. Take the phone off the hook, close the door and put the world on hold – even if it’s just 5 minutes.
Practise. There are numerous opportunities to harmlessly try out your “hunches”, eg guess who’s calling before you pick up the phone, guess what’s on the front of the daily paper before you visit the news stand, try to read the character of new acquaintances…
And don’t get discouraged. Like all things the development of psychism takes time.
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