new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Allah's Worlds Are Discovered

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion, science and spirituality

by Rabbi Allen S. Maller

Both the Hebrew Bible and the Qur'an teach that the One God created the whole universe to be conducive to the universal evolution of life. Recent astrophysical studies discover ever more evidence of the truth of this Biblical and Qur'anic view. (more…)

What I know to be true

abracad, · Categories: abundance, externally authored

by Glinda Hickory

Guess what. We all vibrate. We are always vibrating. These vibrations have been recorded and called "thought waves”, or “brain waves". They are real, they are measurable, and we are transmitting them constantly.

If you know anything about radios, you know that they have an oscillator that must be set to a certain frequency to receive whatever is being broadcast on that frequency. The universal law that allows this is called, “Law of Attraction” and it states, “That which is likened to itself, is drawn”. Everything in the Universe is governed by this Law. The best seller, “Think and Grow Rich”, by Napoleon Hill, was based on this knowledge. Nikola Tesla based many of his incredible inventions on this knowledge. He somehow knew about the limitless energy, freely available that surrounds everything and is part of all that is and was able to focus it, to harness it. Scientists today, through the study of Quantum Physics are proving this to be exactly the case. (more…)

Expectation & Emotion

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

If you could get rid
Of yourself just once,
The secret of secrets
Would open to you.
The face of the unknown,
Hidden beyond the universe
Would appear on the
Mirror of your perception.

Each spiritual traveler is born into a world of expectation. Daily, behavior and societal standards are presented by family, friends, co-workers, country, religion and self. (more…)

Buddhism and Meditation Practice

abracad, · Categories: buddhism, meditation, science and spirituality

The Buddhist response to the pervasiveness of unsatisfactoriness is to seek to extinguish attachment and craving (ie enlightenment or nirvana). The practice of meditation plays a significant role towards this end.

There are numerous varieties of Buddhist meditation, eg Zen, Vipassana, concentration to name but a few. However, one that has gained much attention and credibility in the West is mindfulness (eg a Google search for this term yields 39 million hits, an Amazon search some 56,000 titles).

Mindfulness meditation is about objective observation. It's about simply being in the here and now, seeing and accepting reality as it is, without feelings or judgement, not measuring it against some ideal that we'd like it to be. (more…)

Buddhism and the Human Predicament

abracad, · Categories: buddhism, science and spirituality

After being raised in a background of wealth and power and sheltered from the harsh reality of life it is said that upon first witnessing sickness and suffering the Buddha was so overcome that he renounced his privileged status for a life of contemplation.

The Buddhist conception of the human predicament is summed up in the first two of the four Noble Truths, taught by Buddha shortly after he attained enlightenment; ie: (more…)

Study Buddhism Free Online

abracad, · Categories: buddhism, science and spirituality

Free "MOOCs" and other resources exploring Buddhist philosophy and its relationship to and value in the modern world.

The Buddha's Teaching As It Is

Ten Audio lectures on the fundamentals of the Buddha's Teaching, by Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi

Available at BuddhaNet

Buddhism Through Its Scriptures

Learn about the rich and diverse beliefs and practices of Buddhists across time and place. Experience Buddhism through its scriptures, both relationally as well as academically.

Self-paced edX course from Harvard University, starts May 3, 2016.

Buddhism and Modern Psychology

Examines how Buddhism is faring under the scrutiny of science and modern psychology.

Self-paced Coursera course from Prof. Robert Wright, Princeton University.

Tibetan Buddhist Meditation and the Modern World: Lesser Vehicle

This course explores the immense variety of meditation practices past and present.

Self paced Coursera course from the University of Virginia.

Does 'Self' Exist?

abracad, · Categories: buddhism, science and spirituality, spirituality

The Buddhist Perspective of Self

Buddha's assertion that the self does not exist was first described in the famous "Discourse on the Not-Self". It is a fundamental principle of Buddhist philosophy and is said to be the second sermon delivered by the Buddha after his enlightenment.

Buddha defined five "aggregates" that together constitute the entire person. These are: form (body), feelings (positive, negative, neutral), perception, mental formations (thought, emotion, will), and consciousness.

Buddha declared each aggregate in turn (like most of reality) to be impermanent, and therefore not identifiable with 'self'. This implies Buddha's concept of self has (a degree of) permanence.

Considering the aggregates again, he declared that each is not controllable (we cannot control the fate of our body, our emotions etc), and is therefore not self. This implies Buddha's concept of self is controllable. (more…)

Plan for Humanity?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q:  How can you claim there is a Plan for humanity?  Just look at the mess out there; surely somebody is not doing their job.

A:  Many would assert the world is in chaos and daily we continue to destroy ourselves. Further the idea of a spiritual plan for humanity is absurd; just look at our track record and the growing materialism, addictions, and physical and sexual abuse/exploitation of our young. Additionally, historically, so-called spiritual leaders have been responsible through war and greed for some of our greatest suffering.  In fact today many of the churches continue as some of the richest corporations on earth.

This description of humanity’s self-destructive capacity is true; however it describes only part of the picture. It neglects our higher nature and the unselfish efforts of billions. (more…)

Timeliness of Teachings

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

In viewing individual spiritual teachings, sometimes, travelers forget the timeliness or context in which a specific teaching is Given.

A majority of spiritual teachings are Given or prescribed for a specific person/audience, in a specific time and a specific place. Trying to generalize individual teachings may be like trying to put a ‘square peg in a round hole’ or working under the rule that ‘one hat size fits all.’ (more…)

How Feng Shui Paintings, Tibetan Thangkas, and Feng Shui Jewelry Can Bring Healing to Your Mind, Body, and Soul

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, feng shui, healing

By Explosion Luck 

Feng Shui paintings and Tibetan thangkas are know to bring good luck to those who use them in their homes and offices, while Feng Shui jewelry is known for bringing good luck to those who wear Feng Shui necklaces and pendants. 

But did you know that Feng Shui paintings, Tibetan thangkas and Feng Shui jewelry can also heal you?

In this contemporary world, stresses assail us from all directions. Our jobs demand we be ever more available, ever more capable to handle any problem thrown at us, ever more dedicated to spending our every waking moment thinking about work. Family life is incredibly rewarding, but it can also sap our energies not only through physical tasks, but through emotional labor. The fast-paced nature of everyday life asks us to be plugged in to technology 24/7, to push through exhaustion and to neglect our bodies and minds. For people seeking to make a major change in their lives, from changing careers to moving cities to starting a family, the pressure to succeed and the fear of change can weigh upon our spirits. (more…)