new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

The Big Squeeze Is On, Between Right And Wrong, Between Good And Bad

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion, spirituality

You Can Hop A Ride On Planet X (Also Called The Adjudicator) Or You Can Hop A Ride On The New Jerusalem. It’s Your Choice

They’re Both Coming To A Local Pickup Location Near You

by Gabriel of Urantia

Well, here we are in August of 2020. The summer is half over, and our lives definitely seem to be moving faster towards some kind of inevitable end. The whole world we know seems to be dissolving, and many of us are sensing something accelerating in our lives, like we are being pulled in a direction we have no control over.

We all realize that someday we will die, for that is the fate of living things on this world. There are many ways in which we can meet death at this time on the planet:  the Covid-19 (or the next one that mutates), earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and countless other so-called natural disasters, which may not be so natural in these turbulent times. And even more frightening is the threat of a world war of nuclear proportions. (more…)


Time for Re-training: Time for Healing

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation

by Dr. Scott F. Terry and David Shapiro

Life in the United States and around the world these days has many stressors: the Coronavirus pandemic, police brutality, the resulting protests, stress of unemployment and the immense financial burdens accompanying limited income, relationship challenges in lock-down, or challenge of lack of relationships, being more on one’s own, with increased risks of mental health collapse and drug abuse that may accompany home confinement.  In the political arena, reflected in the media, a yawning division is seen between parties vying for control of the nation.

With the horrible death of George Floyd on May 25 from the brutal action by four policemen in Minneapolis, groups have protested across the United States, even while CoVid-19 ravages the land.  We all see the problem, but do we see the solution? (more…)


Faith and Finding your Inner Peace

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, stress, depression, anxiety

by Amelia Evans

We live in a society that emphasizes achieving goals and material things. We continually push ourselves daily and we wage a battle within ourselves about what society expects of us and what we truly want.

The stress, negative emotions, turmoil, violent feelings, and overthinking take a big toll on our wellness and mental health. And there comes a point in our lives when we need or are forced to pause, take a deep breath, and think or what we’ve done and the future direction we should take.

Truth be told, we can all be very busy but not get anywhere. Like running on a treadmill and finding that we’re still right where we started. Though we can’t control the things that are happening to us, there are things we can do to find and promote inner peace. Here are some techniques you can follow to help you find that inner calm and quiet: (more…)


Harmonic Duality within Divine Circuitry

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics, spirituality

By Niánn Emerson Chase

There is a building wave of multiple planetary movements working toward compassionate understanding of others, nonviolent solutions to our many problems, peaceful unification of nations, and an integrative and regenerative existence of humans with the planet’s natural ecosystems.

Within that wave of movements for worldwide sustainability on all levels of human existence are the Me Too and LGBTQ movements, which have to do with gender identification, respect, and equality. The last three years witnessed an almost-instant rise in power and influence of these two movements, impacting every aspect of the dominant culture, including new legislation of laws protecting the rights and dignity of women and those who have lifestyles that do not include straight heterosexuality. (more…)


The "Occupy Movement" Was Actually The Right Name Because The "99%" Is A Misnomer

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics

The Leftover Middle Class Are The Silent Apathy-ites

by Van/ Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan

The “99%” is correct conceptually but wrong in reality, because there are still a great number of middle class, leftover from the good ol’ days, with enough money in the bank for them to feel secure. As a matter of fact, they do not see themselves as part of the 99%. In this article, I will refer to these “couch sitters” as the apathy-ites. They think that people who take to the streets protesting any form of injustice are leftover hippies, or the poor who do not want to work, or young people who are just looking to cause trouble—even if some of those demonstrators are their own children, who are in debt thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in student loans, with little hope of getting a job in the career they got a degree for or are trying to get a degree in. (more…)


Subtle Matter: Where the physical and spiritual unite

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, science and spirituality

By William T. Hathaway

Dr. Klaus Volkamer’s new book, “Weighing Soul Substance”, builds bridges across the gulf that has separated science from spirituality, materialism from mysticism. It confirms the reality of auras, clairvoyance, remote viewing, psychokinesis, telepathy, and precognition, and presents empirical evidence that these phenomena have a material aspect. By using newly developed measuring technologies Volkamer detected changes in the mass of objects and people resulting only from mental activity. He proved that our thoughts produce physical changes in us and the world around us. “[H]uman thought and directed attention leave a detectable impression in our surroundings.” (more…)


Introducing 'Decoding Schopenhauer's Metaphysics' by Barnardo Kastrup

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, science and spirituality

My new book, Decoding Schopenhauer's Metaphysics (DSM), is now available for pre-ordering from amazon UK, amazon USA, and other retailers as well. In this post, I want to give you a brief overview of the book, tell you why I wrote it and why I think it is important.

After I finished The Idea of the World—over a year before the book was actually published—I started an effort to trace my ideas back to their historical predecessors and anchor them in the Western philosophical tradition. Regarding 19th-century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, I took it light at first and read Christopher Janaway's little book Schopenhauer: A Very Short Introduction. I describe this experience, and what happened next, in DSM: (more…)


What’s Going On? Is There A Real Answer?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics

The Cleansing Process Of The Earth In Relationship To The Cleansing Of Our Souls At This Time Of Pandemic, Social Unrest, Rioting, and Earth Changes

by Van / Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan

More than twenty years ago in Sedona, Arizona, I began to talk about a spiritual revolution that would be the solution for the ills of our country and the entire planet. Since that time, many have picked up on the idea of a “spiritual revolution” and used it in their own outreaches and ministries to the world, because it is a great concept. But we should not just talk about the problems of our nation and world but actually do something about them.

The term I coined, Spiritualutionsm—the fusion of spirituality with activism, which actually creates a spiritual revolution—is unique, because basically it puts the responsibility of change on each individual. Spiritualution is not a movement of millions on the street doing civil disobedience. It goes way beyond that. (more…)


"Consciousness and the Quantum: The Next Paradigm"

abracad, · Categories: consciousness, externally authored, meditation

Reviewed by William T. Hathaway

At last a book that not only makes quantum physics understandable for general readers but shows how it has practical value for us. Author Dr. Robert M. Oates Jr. presents this abstract, theoretical topic in a step-by-step manner that makes it comprehensible. He explains the discoveries that are revolutionizing the way we see the world, and he captures the drama and conflicts involved in overthrowing the old scientific worldview and building the new. In conclusion he presents the benefits this knowledge can have for our individual lives. (more…)


The Hermetic/Vanetic Marriage

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion

In Relationship To Evolutionary Mortal Marriages, Based Upon An Example Of The Creator Son And The Universe Mother Spirit In Complementary Relationship

by Gabriel of Urantia

Just a few of these concepts come from Manly P. Hall and his Philosophical Research Society. But the majority is actually Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation and comes from Paladin. This will become Paper 366 in The Cosmic Family, Volume VI.

A definition of Hermetic marriage is: Hermeticism, also called Hermetism, is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, relating to an ancient occult tradition encompassing alchemy, astrology, theosophy, and male and female polarities in marriage.

A definition of Vanetic is:  the writings of Van[1] pre-rebellion and post-rebellion eras. Van wrote for 300,000 years on the relationship of the Creator Son and the Universe Mother Spirit in relationship to evolutionary marriages. Most of the writings of Van were destroyed when the Library of Alexandria burnt down.

Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (The Cosmic Family volumes) teaches that as a result of the romantic relationship between the Creator Son and Universe Mother Spirit, their universe was sung into existence. Everything, every particle, every rock, every tree, the oceans, everything was sung into existence. This relationship between the two of them is the example of relationships between angelic beings, the positive and negative, and the example on evolutionary worlds of the goal for complementary relationships between mere mortals.[2] (more…)
