
  • 7 Restorative Yoga Poses to Calm the Mind and Relax the Body

    by Vivek Roy

    Stress is now have become a part of our daily lives. There are many reasons behind this and that is a very different topic to discuss. Here we want to talk about how to relieve the stress of your day and gain inner peace. People often choose the wrong path to deal with stress like drinking and smoking which is very harmful to health. There are some very healthy ways to keep your mind calm and relaxed.

    Yoga is one of the best ways to stay healthy and fit and this helps in lowering the stress and gives you mental peace. Now yoga is something that you can do at your house and at your preferable time of the day. Yoga has no side effects, unlike the pills you take to relieve your stress and depression. So it is worth a shot.

    Yoga poses to restore the calmness of your mind and relax the body are: (more…)

  • Lost Civilization Re-emerges

    By William T. Hathaway

    In the early 1950s, as the newly developed hydrogen bomb cast its mushroom-shaped shadow of megadeath over the world, an aged Indian monk gave his young assistant a mission: create world peace and enlightenment by restoring the ancient global Vedic civilization. The young man was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and he accepted the responsibility wholeheartedly, fully aware of what an enormous job it was.

    Contemporary civilization is in many ways the opposite of Vedic civilization, filled with multifarious forms of damage and suffering that seem to be avalanching us towards annihilation. Vedic civilization, in contrast, had achieved what seems impossible to us now: collective harmony and individual fulfillment. (more…)

  • Be a Difference Maker

    “Please sign in,” the security guard tells me as I approach her desk. She sits behind a large, wooden circular desk in the main entrance of the lobby of an old state government building. Day in and day out it’s the same story for Amy. “I can’t let you in without a valid ID.” “Please be sure to sign out as you leave.” And her all-time favorite, “No, we do not have a public restroom.”

    I come to this building regularly for consulting work. The first time I met Amy, I smiled politely and thanked her for pointing me in the right direction. Over the next several weeks, we made small talk or chatted with each other. I make it my mission to put a smile on her face at least once every time I visit. Make a difference. (more…)

  • 5 Ways To Bring Mindfulness To Your Yoga Practice

    by Vivek Roy

    It might be extremely simple for you to strike the yoga poses, however, it as easy to always be mentally present too. With the constant increase in stress, it not quite likely to be mindful with a mind full, as we are always preoccupied with a number of thoughts in the head. You will certainly find it hard to completely eliminate your thoughts or even reduce their flashes in mind.

    The mind is perpetually active, even when we sleep, certain parts of the mind are active which is why we dream and turn sides and positions. There are even some people who sleep talk, walk, end up crying and even laughing, all while they’re fast asleep and have no idea of these activities.

    So how do we proceed? Since leaving it as-it-is isn’t an option.


  • USA, Mass Shootings and Reaching Higher

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The last few days have been filled with NEWS about the Mass Shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. Watching TV coverage I over heard the Mayor of Dayton indicate that this shooting was the 250th Mass Shooting in the USA; while it is difficult to determine how accurate this number and there is discussion about what constitutes a mass shooting, clearly, we have an ongoing problem that has not been effectively addressed by any segment of our society. Again, sadly many are dead/injured and many others suffering at the hands of 2 very misguided individuals.

    This problem does not have a simple, one or 2 step solution: it will take years and people working on different levels of our society to turn this around; limiting sale of fire arms and back ground checks on gun purchases is a beginning.  These two changes will not get the whole job done but are a long sought starting place. Comprehensive action is very late, must be put forward quickly and relatively free of selfish interest. Finally- we must work together. (more…)

  • Wake Up America

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    Dear America,

    The Irish philosopher and statesmen Edmund Burke, around the time of our own Constitution, said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  This very well may have been a truth that George Washington and other writers of our Constitution read, before they wrote our Constitution in 1776.

    It does indeed take good men and women to speak out against tyranny and racism in order to curb it and hopefully stop it in its tracks. How did we get to this place where possibly half our country is crying out “send them back to where they belong”? — echoing the cries of the President of the United States, which at one time was the office and mandate that had the respect of all the peoples of our planet, and our country has the writing on the Statue of Liberty which says:

    Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” (more…)

  • Buddha’s Young Life

    by Vivek Roy

    Here is a brief sketch of the life of the Buddha also known as Siddhartha, Gautama, and Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. (more…)

  • Happiness and Meaning

    Evolution drives us towards survival and reproduction. That we exist, now, is a result of our ancestors being sufficiently good at survival and reproduction that we have a 4 billion year unbroken lineage to the origin of life. At some unknown point in that 4 billionn year journey we developed consciousness and (perhaps) agency. In some way we (what is we, or I, or ‘self‘?) became aware of our environment and aware of the choices open to us in negotiating it towards some end.

    Evolution continually drives us towards the next nourishing meal and the next potential partner in order that our specific genetic pattern may survive in perpetuity, or long beyond our individual mortal body. It does this by driving us to seek positive emotions, that which ‘feels’ good, and to avoid negative emotion (what feels bad). But feelings are inevitably short-lived. It would not serve evolution if one tasty meal satisfied us for a lifetime.

    Over countless aeons, civilization developed drives that seem to exceed the basics of evolution. We still seek the momentary hedonistic buzz of basic fulfillment. But its inevitable transience causes us to seek the more sustained satisfaction arising from meaningful purpose in life. (more…)

  • Trumped-up wars

    By William T. Hathaway

    “Obey me or die!”
    the orange-haired man threatens the world.
    “My drones know you’re home,
    and my missiles don’t miss.
    I’m Commander in Chief, CinC for short.
    I’ll sink you into the sea, fry you crisp,
    burn you to dust with the push of a button.
    I’ll overthrow your governments,
    strangle your economies,
    jail your refugees.
    I’m the trumpet of doom,
    I’ll turn your land into a tomb!”

    CinC, this may shock you,
    but there are higher commanders than you,
    and to Them we appeal for peace
    and deliverance from you:

    “Jaya Jaya, Vinayaka
    Hara Kailash
    Durga Rakshakari
    Rudra Shanti
    Vidjayante Taram

    Protect us from the orange fire
    of the orange demon
    and all his NATO agents of orange.
    Disembody these demons, vanish them,
    banish them into the dungeon of perdition
    their deeds have built for them.

    Om namah Shivaya”


    William T. Hathaway’s first novel, A World of Hurt, won a Rinehart Foundation Award, and his new one, Wellsprings: A Fable of Consciousness, deals with the environmental crisis as an old woman and a young man battle the corporations controlling our shrinking water supplies: He and his wife, Daniela, direct the Transcendental Meditation Center in Oldenburg, Germany.

  • 3 Steps on How to Impress Your Boss Using Astrology

    by Margarita Celeste

    Astrology is no longer relegated to the “fortune teller” status that it had back in the day. In the last two years, the world has steadily moved towards embracing this magical art. It has mainly come through Millennials and Generation X leading the way; generations searching for a little more meaning in the world.

    Although Astrology is mainly known through horoscope reading in the daily newspaper, or most recently through online sources, it is gathering speed. More and more people are learning to read their “birth charts”. From business to love and relationships, to planting the right seeds at the right time, astrology has become an indispensable tool for the modern generation.

    We can totally use astrology to get ahead in the workplace, simply by understanding a little of how it works and the applying that to our careers; specifically, to impress our boss. It’ll take a few hours of practice, but by the end of it, you’ll be the envy of the office with your seemingly magical way of knowing exactly what makes your boss tick.

    Read on to find out 3 ways to impress your boss using Astrology:
