Category: yoga

  • What is Kundalini Yoga?

    Author: Siri Datta

    Taken from the book Open your heart with Kundalini Yoga, by Siri Datta

    Throughout the ages, in every civilization, there has been a hidden pathway, a secret technology of discovery, which enables the individual to reach the ultimate potential. This is a technique that has the ability to elevate, inspire and awaken the individual to their own greatness. That greatness is within every one of us, and the technology that can do this is Kundalini Yoga. (more…)

  • The Different Styles of Yoga

    Author: Siri Datta

    The Different Types of Yoga

    There are many different styles of yoga being taught and practiced today. Although all of the styles are based on the same physical postures (called Asana’s), each has a particular emphasis or path. Here is a quick guide to the most popular types of yoga that can help you decide which style is right for you. (more…)

  • History of Yoga- an Overview

    Author: Jay Franco

    The history of yoga is believed to be as old as civilization. The prehistoric roots and its gradual evolution and development are testimony to this fact. Ancient yoga derived from Indian asceticism to uniting in the “cosmic one.” Yoga history could be traced in the Upanishads, Vedas and even in Brahmanas. The yoga history was also illustrated in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. (more…)

  • The Eight Limbs of Yoga

    Author: Yoga Supplies

    Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. It focuses upon developing a healthy mind and body, and on attaining self-awareness. The various practices and disciplines of yoga are available to everyone, no matter what their culture or other paths they may follow. Yoga practice also involves developing awareness on a universal and personal level through the yamas and niyamas, a series of ethics and disciplines intended to cultivate living in harmony with others and in oneness with our true selves. (more…)

  • Karma Yoga For Happiness

    by: Amy Twain

    We know that Karma Yoga is mentioned in the Ishavasya Upanishad and the Bhagavad-Gita, but for so many students outside of India are quite unfamiliar with it. If you ask a class filled with students about the definition of Karma Yoga you will be quite lucky to get an answer. Karma Yoga is oftentimes translated as, “selfless service,” like giving to others with time or money or charity work. Karma means “work or action” so it really requires effort. And Yoga means a lot of things. We could always hear the meaning of Yoga as: unity, union or a calm or tranquil state of mind. (more…)

  • Concept and Principles of Karma Yoga

    Author: Jay Franco

    Yoga in all forms is escalation of consciousness and progression. Karma yoga is one of the preparatory stages of Hatha yoga. Karma means action, while karma yoga is a way to take these actions to the path of salvation. Karma yoga is primarily based on the teachings of holy book of the Hindu’s the Bhagavad-Gita and is meant with the “discipline of action”. The essence of Karma yoga lies in eulogizing action regardless to the fruit of action. Karma yoga is believed to be one of the four pillars of yoga. (more…)