Accessing the Akashic Records and Understanding Their Influence upon the Present
The Akashic Records are a Spiritual concept describing the collective store of the totality of information. Akashic Records exist for all levels of reality – individual souls, nations, races, planets…, and the manifest universe as a whole.
An individual soul usually has many incarnations in order to perfect its purpose. The minutiae of experience of each incarnation is held in the individual’s Akashic Record, along with that individual’s life purpose blueprint.
Our Akashic Records hold hidden details that may exert an unseen influence upon its current incarnation. An obvious example is where someone drowned in a previous existence and exhibits an irrational fear of water in this life. Certain souls, forming a soul family, often incarnate together in widely varying relationships; eg a child in this life may previously have been a parent. More dramatically former mortal enemies often find themselves thrown together with unaccountably strong feelings of negativity towards each other. The Akashic Records can provide insight to resolving such conflicts. (more…)