Category: spiritual politics

  • The “Occupy Movement” Was Actually The Right Name Because The “99%” Is A Misnomer

    The Leftover Middle Class Are The Silent Apathy-ites

    by Van/ Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan

    The “99%” is correct conceptually but wrong in reality, because there are still a great number of middle class, leftover from the good ol’ days, with enough money in the bank for them to feel secure. As a matter of fact, they do not see themselves as part of the 99%. In this article, I will refer to these “couch sitters” as the apathy-ites. They think that people who take to the streets protesting any form of injustice are leftover hippies, or the poor who do not want to work, or young people who are just looking to cause trouble—even if some of those demonstrators are their own children, who are in debt thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in student loans, with little hope of getting a job in the career they got a degree for or are trying to get a degree in. (more…)

  • What’s Going On? Is There A Real Answer?

    The Cleansing Process Of The Earth In Relationship To The Cleansing Of Our Souls At This Time Of Pandemic, Social Unrest, Rioting, and Earth Changes

    by Van / Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan

    More than twenty years ago in Sedona, Arizona, I began to talk about a spiritual revolution that would be the solution for the ills of our country and the entire planet. Since that time, many have picked up on the idea of a “spiritual revolution” and used it in their own outreaches and ministries to the world, because it is a great concept. But we should not just talk about the problems of our nation and world but actually do something about them.

    The term I coined, Spiritualutionsm—the fusion of spirituality with activism, which actually creates a spiritual revolution—is unique, because basically it puts the responsibility of change on each individual. Spiritualution is not a movement of millions on the street doing civil disobedience. It goes way beyond that. (more…)

  • USA, Mass Shootings and Reaching Higher

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The last few days have been filled with NEWS about the Mass Shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. Watching TV coverage I over heard the Mayor of Dayton indicate that this shooting was the 250th Mass Shooting in the USA; while it is difficult to determine how accurate this number and there is discussion about what constitutes a mass shooting, clearly, we have an ongoing problem that has not been effectively addressed by any segment of our society. Again, sadly many are dead/injured and many others suffering at the hands of 2 very misguided individuals.

    This problem does not have a simple, one or 2 step solution: it will take years and people working on different levels of our society to turn this around; limiting sale of fire arms and back ground checks on gun purchases is a beginning.  These two changes will not get the whole job done but are a long sought starting place. Comprehensive action is very late, must be put forward quickly and relatively free of selfish interest. Finally- we must work together. (more…)

  • Wake Up America

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    Dear America,

    The Irish philosopher and statesmen Edmund Burke, around the time of our own Constitution, said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  This very well may have been a truth that George Washington and other writers of our Constitution read, before they wrote our Constitution in 1776.

    It does indeed take good men and women to speak out against tyranny and racism in order to curb it and hopefully stop it in its tracks. How did we get to this place where possibly half our country is crying out “send them back to where they belong”? — echoing the cries of the President of the United States, which at one time was the office and mandate that had the respect of all the peoples of our planet, and our country has the writing on the Statue of Liberty which says:

    Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” (more…)

  • Trumped-up wars

    By William T. Hathaway

    “Obey me or die!”
    the orange-haired man threatens the world.
    “My drones know you’re home,
    and my missiles don’t miss.
    I’m Commander in Chief, CinC for short.
    I’ll sink you into the sea, fry you crisp,
    burn you to dust with the push of a button.
    I’ll overthrow your governments,
    strangle your economies,
    jail your refugees.
    I’m the trumpet of doom,
    I’ll turn your land into a tomb!”

    CinC, this may shock you,
    but there are higher commanders than you,
    and to Them we appeal for peace
    and deliverance from you:

    “Jaya Jaya, Vinayaka
    Hara Kailash
    Durga Rakshakari
    Rudra Shanti
    Vidjayante Taram

    Protect us from the orange fire
    of the orange demon
    and all his NATO agents of orange.
    Disembody these demons, vanish them,
    banish them into the dungeon of perdition
    their deeds have built for them.

    Om namah Shivaya”


    William T. Hathaway’s first novel, A World of Hurt, won a Rinehart Foundation Award, and his new one, Wellsprings: A Fable of Consciousness, deals with the environmental crisis as an old woman and a young man battle the corporations controlling our shrinking water supplies: He and his wife, Daniela, direct the Transcendental Meditation Center in Oldenburg, Germany.

  • Abortion: Islamic and Jewish views on when a human soul enters a human fetus

    by Rabbi Allen S. Maller

    I am a Rabbi who frequently writes articles about the close connections between Judaism and Islam for Islamic web sites as well as for Jewish web sites; and 31 articles previously published by Islamic web sites are in my book ‘Judaism and Islam as Synergistic Monotheisms: A Reform Rabbi’s Reflections on the Profound Connectedness of Islam and Judaism’.

    The following article appeared this week on the Islamicity web site; and on The Times of Israel:

    All the continuing political disputes over abortion in the USA and other countries ignore the fundamental religious issue: when does the fetus in the womb of a woman’s body become a human fetus? At conception it is a living physical body, but when does this soul become a spiritual human being? (more…)

  • BE AWARE for Goodness Sake!

    By Niann Emerson Chase

    I am aware of how messed up our world is in many ways and have written numerous articles about the complex problems of our planet. In those same articles I have included hope for opportunities to solve problems and change things for the better because I am at heart an optimist—a realistic optimist who appreciates the practical application of scientific, philosophical, and spiritual facts and ideals in day-to-day life.

    Why am I such an optimist when I am so aware of evil (yes, I dare to use the e word)? Because I am also aware of the presence and power of goodness—goodness residing deep within individual persons and goodness in various groups aimed at improving some aspect of civilization. In fact, I believe that there is a pattern of goodness present on our planet, a reservoir of potential goodness for us humans to pull from.

    I think that a divine pattern is present in the particles of space as well as in the particles on this world, a pattern that can partially be seen through telescopes and microscopes. And this divine pattern—cosmic and earthly, huge and humble—is always good and beautiful. (Yeah, yeah, this is getting to sound a little too metaphysical. But hang in there. I think this is important to explore a bit.) (more…)

  • Mitakuye Oyasin

    The Wisdom of the Ancient Ancestors Moving Into the Twenty-first Century

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    Throughout history, the wisdom of the ancestors of many indigenous peoples has been passed on, generation after generation, family after family.  As we look at the crises happening across our strife-torn world today, we find ourselves searching like never before for solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems.  Yet I believe the ancient ones had a key:  in Lakota it is said, “Mi Ta Ku Ye   O Ya Sin,” — “we are all related.” (more…)

  • Solution to Complex Problems

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    In solving problems, people look for one step solutions. We regularly search for and propose singular approaches to often very complex problems. Now this technique works sometimes, where one adjustment or change results in a useful outcome. We must recognize this is the way our mind works: looking for the most expedient, uncomplicated remedy.

    Yet, many problems, particularly social problems can only be ‘fixed’ with multiple and varied approaches that depend upon changing circumstance and require adjustment over a period of years. Yet, people continue to propose one solution and often debate that their way is the correct way to make things happen. Hence, there are arguments, particularly, when the solution requires a ‘political remedy.’  People have opposing agendas and often cannot agree on which approach to use; they fear they will lose and have to give something up. (more…)

  • Then There’s Only One Choice

    By Wolfgang Borchert

    This month marks the 70th anniversary of the death of Wolfgang Borchert, a young German writer who was seriously wounded in World War II then imprisoned for resistance activities. Physically destroyed, he lived only two years after the war. During that time he wrote antiwar literature that is widely read in Germany but little known in the USA, where it is currently most needed. His play about a traumatized veteran, DRAUSSEN VOR DER TÃœR (THE MAN OUTSIDE), brought him literary fame after his death. “Dann gibt es nur eins!” (“Then There’s Only One Choice”) is the last poem he wrote before his death in 1947 at the age of 26. It shows a perceptive foresight of the inevitability of global destruction unless the people of the world refuse to serve the military.