Category: in the news

  • Ramblings of an Old Man: America What Happened Here?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    America is all about money. Don’t let anyone fool you. ‘The land of the free and the home of the brave,’ has become a place where vultures wait to take from you and economically, for the average person, it is getting harder and harder to make ends meet

    I am semi-retired and for many years worked 2 jobs. Over the last few months, I have forced myself to return to work to make more money to pay mounting medical bills and get back into the world. Recuperating from and treating a chronic illness, I have taken this step.  Probably I would be better off physically/mentally, finding healing, fun activities to fill my hours. Joining a gym, going to a day spa or taking recreational day trips, but necessity requires that I return to work, to keep the financial ‘boat afloat.’  Of course, one needs money to pay for these recreational activities as well; just ask any retired or disabled person.

    What happened here? (more…)

  • To Achieve Cultural And Religious Unity In A One-World Government Outside Of The Control Of The 1%, A Global Spiritualution Is The Only Answer

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    I personally believe that there should be no borders anywhere on the earth and that we are all planetary citizens, in actuality one planetary family. I coined the phrase in the 1990s:  “One God, One Planetary Family.” The power elite or the 1% would want a different kind of one world government for their own greedy and power-hungry reasons, so that negative movement is already happening within the echelons of the rich and powerful controllers. (more…)

  • Thoughts Are Energy: “The Dark Knight Rises”

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff


    For spiritual travelers, it is taught and stressed: personal thought creates reality, and what we think about strongly influences our personal and collective physical, mental and spiritual world.

    As beings of pure conscious energy, on many levels, we are what we think about: both individually and collectively.

    In our country, again, there was another man made tragedy, where a crazed, gunman killed and wounded many innocents in a local movie theater. Ironically, the unknowing victims had come to view a late night showing of a new Batman movie entitled:’ The Dark Knight Rises.’ In this real life drama, a crazed, gunman assumed the role of Darkness; shooting, killing and harming many.  For personal reasons, rising-up and creating, through deadly force, a night of tragedy, terror and death for many people he did not even know. (more…)

  • Opinion: Serving the People

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    The Path is none other than service of the people. -Saadi


    By nature I am not a political person; I have rarely been interested in politics for a number of personal reasons. Chiefly I find it very hard to understand the mind set that offers, ‘I have solutions for these very complicated problems.’ I am amazed that anyone actually can get vastly divergent groups to agree on anything. In my experience, it is only an emergency or crisis that promotes this level of cooperativeness. Or as in a work/business setting, one person is in charge and ultimately is responsible to make sure the system works. (more…)

  • Yesterday We Attended a Funeral Wake

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Yesterday we attended a Funeral Wake; which was totally unplanned. As we were driving, early in the morning to our monthly hospital appointment; suddenly we became aware that the local roads were again filled with 18 Wheelers, smaller trucks and cars that were usually part of Interstate traffic. On the Interstate, there had been another accident and all the local roads were again jammed; with State Troopers trying their best to direct traffic. Not only are our local small town roads inadequate for this level of traffic, but the traffic lights themselves, on the main road, have not been set correctly to accommodate, in an over flow emergency, this level of traffic. (more…)

  • Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?

    A Handbook On How To Defeat The 1%

    By Gabriel of Urantia

    The Last Chapter

    There is a rift now within the general nationwide Occupy movement between the Declaration (99D) project (who want to set up a New Continental Congress with a new Constitution, mostly organized by a man called Michael Pollok, a New York criminal attorney) and the rest of the Occupy movement, who has a General Assembly meeting in Philadelphia on July 4, 2012, comprised of its many contingencies and organizers from all over the country. It looks as though the 99D group still thinks that change can happen within the existing system, and the Occupy movement organizers believe that real change can only happen outside the current system. (more…)

  • The Invisible War

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    The second in a series of 3 articles in relationship to The Deterioration of The Earth and all its Systems—Climatic, Resources, Food, Economic, and Consciousness

    For those in the Occupy movement or any activist who is trying to make change in the system about anything, they can no longer ignore what is happening to the planet and all of its systems, including civilization as a whole. They cannot ignore any longer the spiritual aspect or the Spiritualution movement that is taking place all over the earth, even if the people themselves—who are crying out for change—do not even know they are in the Spiritualution movement, because millions of them are in the Spiritualution movement nonetheless. (more…)

  • The Occupy Movement Needs To Fuse With The Spiritualution Movement To Win Against The 1%

    The first in a series of 3 articles in relationship to The Deterioration of The Earth and all its Systems – Climatic, Resources, Food, Economic, and Consciousness

    by Gabriel of Urantia

    I do not think that the Mayans or the ancient Egyptians or Nostradamus or the Hopi or other indigenous peoples or any one spiritual ideology has all the answers pertaining to how the Creator works with humans to accomplish the fight against evil. We can only find these answers in some partial truth in the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (The Cosmic Family volumes), a work that is unknown to the almost all of the billions of people on this planet. (more…)

  • From here to ‘Sacred Economics’

    by Elisa Graf and Thorsten Wiesmann

    A discussion of Charles Eisenstein’s book, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition, which details the development of the use of money from gift economies to the current capitalism with its pathologies of alienation, competition and scarcity.

    Sacred Economics

    Few today would argue with the fact that nearly all human institutions appear to be in parallel crisis. Charles Eisenstein is a philosopher, teacher and author whose latest book, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition, traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity. In line with esoteric thinking he suggests that humanity is now making a transition away from a cultural identity that defines human beings as separate, discrete entities in competition with each other for finite resources, to one that expresses the connected relationship between ourselves and other human beings, and ourselves and nature. He presents an idealistic vision of how living without society’s over-riding focus on money would transform our sense of self and our relationship to others: a change in sensibility. He talks of “The self of ‘inter-beingness’ that understands that we’re the same being, looking out through different eyes; that what I do to you I’m really doing to myself; that your well-being is connected to my wellbeing; your suffering is connected to my suffering”. As our institutions fall apart, Eisenstein says that they are, in effect, ‘birthing’ us into a new world. (more…)

  • Living without money

    An interview with Heidemarie Schwermer

    by Andrea Bistrich

    Award-winning author Heidimarie Schwermer answers questions about why and how she gave up her possessions to live totally without money, and her discovery of a growing number of initiatives in support of saner and more just values. (March 2012)

    Heidemarie Schwermer worked as a psychotherapist and teacher for 20 years before deciding, in 1996, to attempt an experiment to live without money. What was initially to last one year has, in the meantime, become a way of life for the 70-year-old. She has written three books on living without money, holds lectures and has been a guest on numerous talk-shows. Her first book, The Star Money Experiment, translated into many languages, was awarded the Tiziano Terzani Peace Prize in 2008, and in 2010 the Italian/Norwegian documentary film about her life enjoyed its premier in Oslo. With her moneyless way of living she wants to give a positive impulse towards a more just and equal society. (more…)