Category: externally authored

  • The Chakra Centers and the Capacity of Activating Them – part 1

    Author: Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya

    In ancient times researchers of Soul Sciences very intricately discovered conscious principles of the subtle world. In this very human body (microcosm) they found the mirror-image of the material world (macrocosm). Whatever one perceives in the gross world is present in the human body in a subtle form. Hence instead of carrying out research studies pertaining to the external world with the help of very expensive scientific technical apparatus, the ancient seers/sages looked upon the human body as a reflection of the gigantic cosmos and hence conducted research studies by diving deep into their souls within the body. (more…)

  • What is Mysticism?

    an academic essay by Malgorzata Duszak

    To collect several different definitions of “mysticism” and find one that reflects its nature the most does not strike the unprepared student as too complex of a task. Barely anyone involved in the study of religions does not have at least a glimpse of an idea of what “mysticism” definition should include. Phrases such as transcendent, captivating, extraordinary, or blissful all come to mind when trying to capture the essence of the mystical experience. (more…)

  • Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

    by Malgorzata Duszak

    Upon the plunge into the vast realm of prophets, seers and visionaries one cannot help but wonder about the nature, validity and significance of the revelatory experiences of Madame Blavatsky, a, or should we say “the”, nineteenth century greatest occultist. Her eccentric persona and extraordinary phenomena that accompanied her beg for the closer analysis by anyone seriously fascinated with the communication from the beyond. Not easily perhaps defined by everyone as a prophetess, M. Blavatsky certainly belongs to the last century’s most phenomenal seers. Or does she? Beside the incredible number of followers she gathered, she also attracted a quite considerable amount of critics labeling her as nothing but scheme and fraud. Not being in any way able to solve the ongoing debate concerning the validity of her claims, the essay will focus primarily on presenting the nature, the expression and the role of M. Blavatsky’s experiences as the visionary messages for the human kind. It will do so from the vintage point of admiration and reverence for the insight, hope, and light that this, it must be admitted, controversial figure brought into the world. (more…)

  • Channeling : Connecting With your Unseen Helplers!

    Copyright (c) 2008: Patsy Gagnon

    We all possess many keys that unlock the Door to our unconsciousness and our soul.

    There comes a point in everyone’s life when we ask our selves the daunting questions of Who Am I? Why am I here? Where do I go when I die? The most important one is there really a God Source? We may find ourselves asking these questions early in life, after a very traumatic experience or on our death bed. I do believe we ask these questions sometime in our lives. (more…)

  • Channeling Spirit

    Author: Lisa Moore

    Everyone can and has Channeled, at some time in their lives. If you have ever found yourself explaining something in detail but the words you are using do not fit with in with your own vocabulary. Writers and Artists often speak of not knowing where their inspiration comes from. If you have a problem and do not know which way to turn then all of a sudden you get a ‘brainwave’ and the answer to your problem is suddenly very clear. These are all examples of Channeling. (more…)

  • Spiritual Channeling

    Author: Lynn Claridge

    Spiritual channeling is a process whereby an individual becomes the channel and the spirit speaks for them. Instead of contacting departed loved ones the entities that normally come through are guides. The information may not have great impact, however, the source seems to hold more weight or at least provide a different perspective. (more…)

  • For the Hindu mystical tradition, the ultimately real is to be found within each human person

    by Malgorzata Duszak

    The Hindu mystical tradition offers a lot to the spiritual seekers who pursue a deeper connection with God and who desire to understand better their inner nature, the universe, and life in general. It does not offer, however, the uniform insights into these matters. Hindu mysticism abounds in a great variety of concepts and theories relating to those issues all trying their best to arrive at the truths about them the closest possible. Much spiritual understanding as they share, there arose, however, a lot of conflicts throughout the centuries regarding the precise interpretation of some of those concepts. Different schools, philosophies, and teachers appeared who claimed to know exactly how the universe operates and what its secrets are. (more…)

  • Channeling as a field of paranormal study – an academic essay

    by Malgorzata Duszak

    The field of parapsychology investigates the enormous variety of mind challenging ESP phenomena. Trance mediumship represents one of the topics approached by paranormal researchers and scientists. The alleged communication with the invisible dimension stimulates as much enthusiasm as sheer frustration and the theories that offer to shed light on the phenomenon of such contacts are many. Among the most popular explanations appears the theory of mediums’ subconscious as one directly responsible for creating an “illusion” of the external entity communication. Other researchers “blame” the collective unconscious for disguising itself as separately existing spiritual entities. Still others indicate the mental disorders as mistaken for channeling discarnate beings. Much as all these explanations appeal to our rational minds and logic, the intuition tempts the investigation towards different direction. Why not consider, after all, the possibility of the genuine communication; a true telepathic contact with the beings from beyond this 3d dimension? This essay will present several of the most common “rational” explanations put forward by various investigators of the present times. It will encourage, however, the sincere consideration of the possibility of the true contact with extra-dimensional intelligences. It will demonstrate a number of devoted to their work mediums who genuinely believed their messages to originate in the realms beyond ours. In search for the truth, their interpretation must not be dismissed. (more…)

  • Psychic Ability & Connecting It To You!

    By Viva Dana

    For the past two decades, many aspects of metaphysical data have begun to sit prominently amongst bookshelves across the globe. Prior to this sudden instreaming of meta-info, there simply were no standardized public educative systems available to make the psychic retrieval & exchange process easily or generally understood. (more…)

  • Using Psychic Tests to Determine Your Psychic Abilities

    By Keith Ward

    Contrary to popular belief, there is not one standard level of psychic ability a person can possess. Different people will have different levels and degrees of psychic potential. Then, there is also the issue of manifestation of psychic abilities and power. (more…)