Category: 2012

  • Oldest New Age Festival in the Country Offers Insight into Mayan and Hopi Indian Prophesies for 2012

    Colorado Springs, Colorado – America’s oldest metaphysical fair, celebrating its 100th festival October 5-8, 2012, explores human metaphysical potential as mankind goes through the transformations prophesied for 2012. This festival provides authentic spiritual support and planetary healing for coming changes.

    The 2012 Transcendence Fair is both the 100th Celebration Metaphysical Fair and the last gathering of the Celebration Community before the Winter Solstice event prophesied by so many. This metaphysical fair has always been open to prophesy associated with Mayans, Hopi Indians, world prophets and contemporary channels. This festival is open to all people of spiritual sensitivity and vision. (more…)

  • Youth at the helm

    by the Master, through Benjamin Creme, 1 March 2012

    The young know that sharing and justice is the only way to create the trust needed for a safe and secure future for humanity.

    This year, 2012, is one of great importance. It is essential that the impetus of the Arab Dawn, and its repercussions worldwide, be not lost. The Voice of the People, so vigorous and confident now, must continue to ring out through all the world, affirming Sharing and Justice as the only way to engender trust and a safer world for all. The remedy for men’s ills is so simple, so easy of achievement, yet so difficult for many to grasp. Men must realise that every other method has been tried and has failed, ending inevitably in war.  (more…)

  • How to be Spiritual Amidst this Chaos?

    By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

    Circumstances have overtaken man. His old languages are not sufficient to describe what is happening, and what is about to happen. To think in terms of a millennium or such tame concepts as ‘the eleventh hour’ is ridiculous. Better that he should realize that he is in an era which might be more accurately described as the ‘eighth day of the week.”  Idries Shah (more…)

  • What’s the deal with 2012? Free Report

    Do you know what will happen in 2012?

    There’s been a widely known prediction that the world will end on December 21st 2012 going around for some time. Like most you may have scoffed or made a joke about it. But now 2012 is underway, perhaps it’s wise to find out more and make an informed response.

    To say we’re living through momentous times is no understatement. The world’s financial systems have been decimated by the credit crunch; natural disasters seem to be increasing in both frequency and degree of devastation. Seemingly immovable regimes have been overthrown by the revolutions of the “Arab Spring”. And global warming appears to be accelerating towards a point of no return. (more…)

  • December 21, 2012 and Nostradamus Have Been Scaring People on the History Channel

    Author: FavianTorre

    I guess the idea of the world ending as we know it can be a scary proposition, and sensationalizing the negative possibilities is much less boring than the happy ending. Perhaps that’s why horror movies do so well. It’s just more fun to watch something scary than something that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling about the future. Aren’t we supposed to be scared about the future anyway? It’s so intimidating and capricious. (more…)

  • The 2012 prediction of Nostradamus

    Author: Frank Myhre

    Nostradamus, a prophet who lived in the 16th century is given a lot of attention these days. Did he predict the end of the world? What did he predict for 2012? Lets find out what Nostradamus predicted. (more…)

  • Nostradamus End of World Theories

    Are Nostradamus’ Predictions Coming True?

    Author: Cliona Crench

    Throughout the years, many people have predicted the end of the world, but perhaps the most notorious of these future seers is Nostradamus. Few psychics have had the degree of success at making predictions that we’ve seen from Nostradamus. He lived from 1503 to 1566 and historians and observers believe that approximately fifty percent of his predictions have already come true. (more…)

  • Gog and Magog 2012?

    by Alan Navarre

    David Wilcox’s documentary video The 2012 Enigma summarizes the “2012 movement” comprehensively. Wilcox demonstrates how several diverse sources predict that life on Earth will undergo a cataclysmic change of unprecedented magnitude at the winter solstice of the year 2012 (on 21 December). In The 2012 Enigma, Wilcox’s survey encompasses the Mayan calendar, Montauk Project and Project Looking Glass experimental subjects, crop circles, and more. What Wilcox does not include is the culminating fulfillment of the Gog and Magog prophecy of Revelation 20 and Ezekiel 38-39. It is hoped that this chapter’s exploration of Gog and Magog will supplement Wilcox’s excellent achievement. (more…)