Author: abracad

  • Spiritual Magazines

    Regular reading of quality, relevant magazines provides an excellent means of gaining ongoing stimulus along our personal Spiritual evolutionary journey. Enjoy these specially selected titles at generous discount, courtesy Amazon.

    Light of Consciousness Light of Consciousness is dedicated to spiritual people interested in becoming aware of universal Consciousness, personal and global transformation and the timeless wisdom of the world’s religious traditions.

    Light of Consciousness Journal of Spiritual Awakening is known for its spiritual inspiration, its bold approach to the unity underlying all faiths and religions, and the emerging interface between science and spirituality.


  • Creating Your Own Happiness

    Creating your own happiness is letting go of what is holding it back, for we are all meant to be happy in our lives, living from a place of enjoyment, contentment, and love.
    Why then does it feel like sometimes your life is missing this element; why are you without it?  It can feel this way and really seem like this is so.  But being happy is realizing you can be and that it is a choice.  Happiness is not because of something on the outside, it comes from within.  No matter the circumstances in your life, or who you are with, or where you are from, happiness is a part of you, internally and completely.  Happiness is not given to us or provided by someone else.  We are the makers and the acceptors of our own happiness. (more…)

  • Empowering Our True Selves

    When we choose to come from a place that is real, that touches who we really are, we are then coming from our true selves.
    We are empowering our destiny, our truth, and our calling in this life when we act from our true form, from who we really are and not just from our idea or perception of self.  What does this mean?  It means looking at ourselves truthfully and really seeing if we are true to who we are. It is looking deep within and asking if how I am and how I act is who I really am.  It is not confusing; although, it may feel this way, for often people believe that who they are is already real.  They believe how one acts and behaves is everything; it is all of them. However, when left unchecked, we often develop into a ghost of our former self, and our real being, our true self, is left to wither and die within. Thus, it is vital, not only to our happiness, but our strength as well, to re-register the truth of who we are. (more…)

  • Guardian Angel Conversations

    By Tom T. Moore - Copyright 2011

    Six years ago I discovered that I could converse with “spirit” as it’s called.  This is something you can do too if you don’t mind putting in the time and effort, which I’ll explain below.

    The first person I communicated with was an American Indian Shaman living in the western United States in the 1600’s.  He explained that I was a Shaman also living at that time and that I was to reintroduce people to “The Gentle Way.”  This became the title of my first book on teaching people a simple, yet very powerful spiritual tool to use—requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s).  I had been requesting   MBO’s for several years, but I did not understand how powerful they are.  I only cared that they worked PERFECTLY, and I had never been able to say that about any of the other modalities I had tried—law of attraction, power of positive thinking, etc. (more…)

  • The Reincarnation of Elizabeth, the Mother of John The Baptist

    by Doug Simpson

    The life readings of the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce, present details about John the Baptist and his family not found in any discovered ancient documents. The soul of Miss 2156, the reincarnation of Elizabeth, was definitely one of those highly developed souls that I have now mentioned a number of times in other articles, so the story of Elizabeth contains a story within a story. This story-within-a-story begins with letters, carefully preserved in the archives of Edgar Cayce’s Association For Research And Enlightenment, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. (more…)

  • Being Connected to Truth

    Contemplation of our existence is primordial; it is forever within our consciousness.
    It is part us to question where we come from, who we are, where we are going, and what is really important in our lives.  We may think that we are living how we are meant to; holding onto the idea that what we were given in this life is all that we are meant for.  But what if this wasn’t true?   What if there is more out there for you, beyond today and what you are doing in this life?  What if there was a connection to be made that required no thought, but excited your heart and who you really are?  This life we all lead is connected to something higher, with more meaning and desire than we may ever know.  All that can really be felt is that there is more; that is why we always question, think, dream, and want to interpret mankind’s calling. (more…)

  • Spirituality is Sexy

    Pamela Jo McQuade is the founder and CSO (Chief Spiritual Officer) of Spirituality is Sexy. Pamela enjoys assisting you in discovering your inner beauty and richness so that you may break through false illusions that echo thoughts of insignificance, unworthiness and limitation.  To experience the truth behind the lies is to go on a journey of personal transformation so you may discover a long buried gem…..Heaven is in your heart. (more…)

  • Finding Peace Within

    Learning how to live peacefully is about no longer viewing life as a struggle and no longer feeling that you need to be in control or manage anything around you.
    Finding peace is about acceptance of everything, of not only yourself, but about accepting your place in life.  This doesn’t mean in any way that you should give up; it means you can let go of any resistance you feel to the moment you are in.  You can still strive for things and be driven, but along the way, you can accept whatever path you are on.  Without trying to control everything, we will walk down the path we are meant for because we are not holding ourselves back. (more…)

  • Letting Go Of Your Old Self

    Finding out who you really are is about letting go of who you think you are.
    We develop certain ideas of who we are and hold onto them, even if they do not fit the real us.  Sometimes our habits and even certain ways of being feel so real that we cannot imagine living without them.  What do you do then; how do you let go of something that feels permanent to you? What you need to do is to see past the idea of it being permanent, for nothing is permanent and you can change as fast and as often as you desire. (more…)

  • “Hair standing on end” Prickle feelings in spirituality and holistic medicine

    By Floco Tausin

    Many of us experience that prickle feeling with the body hair standing on end and the skin looking like “goose bumps” time and again. It is usually associated or identified with chills, shiver and certain emotional states. Less known, however, is that this prickle is informative and effective in the fields of health care and spirituality. This is suggested by both medical studies and the experience of spiritual masters of different cultures. (more…)