Buddha & the Buddhu (ignorant)…

Seeker: Bhagavanji, what is the difference between a Buddha & a Buddhu (ignorant)…?

Buddhashiva says “The Buddha will always be laughing at the fake living of the Buddhu…& the Buddhu will always be laughing at the genuine living of the Buddha…”

On a hindsight there is no much difference between a Buddha & a Buddhu… but, if you question for yourself as to who you are… you will come to know that, you have to come out of all the differences inside yourself to feel the Buddha inside yourself.

The above mentioned quote has the deepest meaning which will open up when you are just living with the quote…It might take years or your entire life to be with the true knowing of the quote.

The need of knowing the difference in anything & everything arises from the desire or benefit oriented consciousness which is limited. You have to question as to why you are in need of the difference between a Buddha & a Buddhu…

My entire life can be spent on giving you the differences, but it will not serve your purpose. You have to understand the Buddhu inside you, so as to become a Buddha…

It is quite hard to feel the Buddhu inside yourself if you are not passionate about knowing the same. You might not even want to know your stupidities if you are desirous of creating a knowledge about the Buddha.

You have to live life to the fullest to feel the Buddha inside yourself without interrupting or interpreting your thoughts, which are always chattering.

You have to come back to the normalcy of life & develop all the faculties to feel life to its full potential without any bias.

It is not easy as said…the faculties of feeling life develops as & when you understand the Buddhu inside you. Mere understanding will not serve your purpose…you have to make the necessary changes in your living so as to feel the faculties develop.

You might logically know that smoking is injurious to health…but you have to quit through pure understanding, so as to develop the strength to detach to anything what you have attached to.

The positivity, strength, acceptance, flexibility, wisdom, balance & true knowing happens as & when you go deep down to meet the Buddha inside yourself.

The challenge of transforming the Buddhu to a Buddha needs your unconditional awareness & intelligence…which will come as you progress in this path.

All futile questions will drop down by itself if you are with the questions…coz’ you understand the futilities only when you are with consciousness.(by being with the questions)

You will come to know for the first time that, to be with consciousness you have to flow along with life…& this happens when your body, mind & soul are in harmony with each other.

You will start to learn the ways of being a Buddha by living life without any inhibitions & flowing with the Buddhus alongside.

You will come to know about your stupidities as & when you grow consciously…You will laugh at yourself when you see the Buddhus doing the same stupid things what you had done earlier.

You will for the first time not make any effort to correct the Buddhus…coz’ you will come to know the way of a Buddha…

No one will teach the difference between a Buddhu & a Buddha…but you will be laughing & laughing, as you come near your Buddhahood.

You will not be having anyone around you to share & you will never share the feelings of yourself…coz’ you will feel the Buddhu inside you… wanting to share.

Consciousness takes you over, once you find the Buddha inside yourself & it knows the best ways to make a Buddhu feel his ignorance…

Every effort towards understanding the Buddha inside you has to be dropped…coz’ every effort is of the Buddhu who is in the want of becoming a Buddha.

Buddha has no differences between anything & everything around him…but is able to understand every difference which creates a Buddhu…

If you understand the logic behind becoming a Buddha…you are already on the path of becoming a Buddha by being with the illogical.

When logic loses its charm…the magic begins. Stay awake & alert to understand the differences between different people & you will come to know the Buddhu inside yourself.

Use everyone & everything as a mirror to reflect the Buddhu who is inside you & release all the ignorance, foolishness & answers what are possessed by the Buddhu…so as to become the answer with a difference………


P.s: This article is purely fictional which is based on truth which is coincidentally incidental… Any relevance to any person living or dead is incidentally coincidental.

It is easy to
convince the confused about confusion…


It is only the
confused who have the conviction of not being…


Shruthi(Hear the Unheard)
1/4000 random quote…



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