What Is Color Meditation?

Author: Jane Michael

It is another name for chakra meditation. It deals with contemplating the different charkas; they are also called scared plexes in the subtle or spiritual body. These plexes match particular points in the corporeal body.

Specifics of Chakras

Mulahadhara Chakra
It sits between the reproductive organs and the rectum. Its representation is a round red light like a coin that is a little bigger than a quarter. It corresponds to the olfactory sense and prana, which is earth energy. The seed matra for this chakra is LAM.

Swadisthana Chakra
This chakra is above and in back of the reproductive organs. Its color is orange. It relates to the sense of taste. It corresponds to water energy or prana. The seed mantra is VAM.

Manipura Chakra
It is in the area around the navel. Its color is yellow. It relates to sight. The seed mantra is RAM.

Vishuddha Chakra
This chakra is in the throat. Its symbol is a blue circle. It relates to the auditory sense and its prana is ether. The seed mantra is HAM.

Ajna Chakra
It sits between the eyebrows. Its symbol is an indigo disk. It relates to the mind and its seed mantra is OM.

Sahasrara Chakra
It is at the pinnacle of the cranium. This chakra has 1000 petals. Its color is violet. It relates to the spirit. The seed mantra is NG.


Each color offers an attribute. During meditation the colors attract energy and vibrations into your aura. When the meditation adherent envisions a particular color this stimulates awareness of the hues energies into his mind. It aids in healing his emotional, physical, and spiritual self in the region of the hue’s qualities.

What Each Color Heals

* Red: the genital area, encourages adrenaline and blood flow, stimulates energy, bravery, and confidence
* Orange: generates fresh ideas, aids digestion, enhances the mind, aids in handling career and life situations
* Yellow: good for intestines, pancreas, liver, elimination, skin, diabetes, intellect, adrenal glands
* Green: balances energy, helps the heart and circulation, helps to adapt, helps remove anxiety of sharing
* Blue: combats infection, healing effect for throat and fevers, brings peace of mind
* Indigo: cultivates psychic perception, good for ears, eyes, nose, and mental ailments
* Violet: aids in spiritual peace, cure for insomnia, brain tumors, calming effect

Color breathing is also called color visualization. When the person concentrates on colors, he sees himself inhaling and exhaling them. It is best to perform this mediation while saying a mantra that is a positive statement about the color.

The mediator generates the color in his mind, which he can do using an object that is the color he wants to visualize or meditate without an object. It greatly helps to look at the color. The person can use cloth or stationary the color he needs and say for example “yellow heals my intestines.”

The person mediating should realize that letting the vibration of the color help him is essential; it aids in the healing.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/what-is-color-meditation-1115790.html

About the Author

Jane Michael is the head writer at the Center for Meditation. Mental challenges are her practice and her passion. Goals of Color Meditation is a great way to start your meditation practice.Read some of her articles about other amazing brain exercises here.


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