Why does life suck? This is a question many of us ask at some time or another. Actually life doesn’t really suck, but it can certainly feel that way sometimes.
Wouldn’t it be great if everything ran smooth all the time, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed? Wouldn’t it be great to land our dream job, doing what we love and large paycheck to boot? Wouldn’t it be great if all our relationships ran smoothly, if our partner understood and respected our innermost feelings?
In fact, it wouldn’t be so great at all. It might be nice for a little while, but pretty soon it would feel dull as dishwater. What’s more, we wouldn’t be fulfilling our true purpose in being born into this world, ie to learn and grow.
Many Spiritual philosophies tell that we choose our life path and lessons to be learned before we are born. Though we have free will on earth the choices we made appear throughout our lives.
It’s true; some people have harder lives than others. But that is because they chose to experience those things.
Why would anyone choose hardship? Because in facing, defying, and overcoming adversity we gain much more experience than we ever could from plain sailing. Life is short – just think of a human lifespan compared to the age of the earth. When we eventually return home it isn’t the inflated bank account, big houses and flashy cars that we carry with us. It is the lessons we learned throughout the adventure of incarnation.
Keeping the above in mind will give you the strength to keep going through the dark days when life really does appear to suck.
Perhaps it’s an issue of self-esteem. You’ve done something you feel bad about. Rest assured, to be human is to err. We’ve all done things that with the benefit of hindsight we wouldn’t have done. None of us can reverse time. But we can resolve to do more right than wrong, more good than harm in future. And that is our raison d’etre, our purpose to not only continue but continue full speed ahead rather than decrying life’s hardships. If we are here it is because we, and Spirit (God) have chosen that we are here and we have a duty to make the best of what is really a golden opportunity.
Human nature is such that we tend to notice only those things that trouble us or fail to meet our approval. How often do we wake in the morning and appreciate how good we feel? Probably not often enough. But if we happen to feel slightly under the weather we notice it like hell. If a business or service falls short of our expectations we are quick to complain, but how many of us bother to show our appreciation for a job well done? It’s just the way we are.
It may be a cliché, but counting your blessings really can really be an eye opener when life seems to suck. Sit down somewhere quiet, pour yourself a drink and put on your favorite music. Now write down what’s troubling you. Then take a new sheet of paper and write down all the positives in our life. You should find there are many more positives than negatives. Look again at your troubles and it should be easier to find solutions, or at least appropriate courses of action, for each of them.
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