Yoga: Mind, Body and Soul

Author: ATrujillo

Yoga is a philosophy of life as well as a system of exercises that encourages the union of mind, body, and spirit. Yoga dates back as far as 4000 BC, and was developed first in India. It is a classical science and philosophy that was developed by the Indian sage Patanjali. Yoga comes from the original Sanskrit word, ‘joga,’ which means ‘to join. It has been around for a long time, yet its teachings are still applicable today. Yoga is geared towards self-development and is an important element in personal growth. It is an ancient set of teachings and practices, yet it is truly very simple to do.

In the past decade, the yoga craze has been sweeping the western world. Yoga as it is practiced in the West is often simply the asanas, or yoga postures. These postures are named after mammals, fish or reptiles. Poses range from the easier corpse pose, which involves lying on the floor while completely relaxed, to the most difficult poses that take years of practice to master. Hatha yoga, the style most commonly taught in the West, includes stretching and breathing exercises, poses, meditation or relaxation techniques. Yoga has many styles, forms and intensities. It is a system of techniques that can be used for: learning to relax, managing stress and increasing limberness all the way to becoming more self-aware. Yoga is all about going back to nature, back to the basics. It is a way of maintaining a balanced attitude in your day-to-day life. Yoga, has precise movements that draw your focus away from your busy day and more on the calming moments as you move your body through poses that require balance and concentration. It is a program that involves stretching, movements, controlled breathing and relaxation exercises.

Yoga is more than a set of exercises to increase flexibility, however. Yoga can help you meditate, reduce stress, and even build strength. It is said to be a complete medical science and an enlightening spiritual art. Yoga is more than mastering postures and increasing your flexibility and strength. It has also been found to be helpful in the treatment of depression and anxiety which often accompanies pain problems. Yoga poses are also useful in curing disorders such as eating, bipolar disorders, asthma, seizures, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels and is said to also encourage weight loss. It has been known to balance hormones and the endocrine system. It can also be helpful when combined with other treatments for heart disease and high blood pressure. Yoga is often used for helping to rehabilitate people who want to improve and increase back strength after spinal injury. It can strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and help you sleep better. Yoga, when combined with a vegetarian diet, aerobic exercise and medication has reduced cardiovascular disease and blood pressure levels. Yoga is an effective method to reduce anxiety. It’s controlled breathing exercises has become a popular means of stress management and teaches that by controlling your breathing you can gain control over your body and mind. Yoga also helps build stamina and strength which can help you cope better with the physical aspects of stress. Yoga is also a good tool for relaxation. Yoga slows down the aging process by giving elasticity to the spine, firming the skin, removing tension from the body, strengthening the abdominal muscles, improving the tone of muscles, and correcting poor posture.Yoga produces a healthy strong body with increased immunity against disease. It not only cures diseases and improves physical health but also changes mind sets. Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise, it relaxes the mind and exercises the body. It combines breath and movement into one, it also directs oxygen to flow into our muscle tissue which allows for better blood movement throughout our body.

Yoga is one of the fastest growing exercises that everyone can do. You can start doing it right away and you do not need to buy anything special or learn a lot to start, there is also no age limitation for practicing yoga. Yoga is perfect for every fitness level. You can take classes to help you understand the concepts of yoga, having someone help you in the beginning is always a great idea, you might think about taking a class. Classes generally start with a series of poses and typically end with a relaxation period to calm the body and clear the mind. Classes are designed to help you build strength and to develop a deep sense of your body, mind and spirit. Some classes can be modified to fit individual needs and for older adults, can help them stay steady on their feet and avoid falls. Yoga teachers are not certified, so make sure you go to a reputable studio. Yoga, overall, is generally considered very safe. Yoga is a gentle way to heighten your awareness, empower the body and invigorate the soul.

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Written by ATrujillo
I work from home. For more articles and information go to:


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