John Greenleaf Whittier said: “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: ‘It might have been!’”
There are two kinds of regret, regret for things you’ve done, and regret for things you haven’t. By far the worse is the regret for opportunities missed.
We only get one crack at life, in our present body and circumstances anyhow. Though possessed of free will we almost carry a God-given duty to make the best of our time on earth. No matter how rich or powerful they may be, nobody gets the chance to re-live time.
I always remember my father speaking of the things he wanted to achieve. Though he led a full life, many remained undone when he was eventually overtaken by illness and passed away. Perhaps if, instead of procrastination, he’d just gone out and done them his life would have been that bit fuller still…
It can be tempting to follow the safety and security of the well-trodden path, inactivity is easier than action and no one ever got fired for buying IBM and all that. Building dreams is a noble endeavor, but if they remain idle fantasy then they are nothing but costly distraction. By never venturing out of one’s comfort zone, how much potential experience do we miss?
Sure, risks and adventures can go “wrong”. But equally surely no adventure ever leaves its participants untouched by experience. And isn’t that why we’re all here, to experience, learn and grow.
I’m not advocating impulsive, random behavior – though even that has its place in experience accumulation. What I’m saying is that after making a choice – with one’s heart and head – we must then take the plunge and carry it out. For whatever we find through the doors of choice our wealth of experience will certainly grow.
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