We’re all imperfect, every last one of us. Otherwise we wouldn’t need to take physical form and go through the hoopla called life.
Almost certainly at some time on our journey we’re going tomeet some bad guys who will try to cheat, rob, con or otherwise wrong us. That’s why we have laws, penalties and penal systems.
But maybe what’s worst of all is when someone we trust lets us down or betrays us. That can shatter our confidence in people in general, and worse shatter our self confidence because we were foolish enough to believe in this person that has done this bad thing to us.
How can we rebuild from that? It would be sad if we could never trust anyone else again. But we know we are born to learn from experience. And such an experience should teach us to trust, but never absolutely.
Good and bad are relative terms. Who can say what’s absolutely good or bad?For we are all part of that one whole that is Spirit, but incarnate we each have our own agenda to pursue.
If you are let down by someone you perceived to be close, don’t be devastated by the experience. Recognise that person had reasons for acting as they did, even if thise reasons didn’t serve to lighten your load. Don’t have a down on all people. Accept them for what they are. Simply souls like yourself seeking to understand. Maintain a healthy skepticism in future relations, but do not forget that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
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