Have You Been Here Before?

The concept of reincarnaton is an ancient one, dating back long before the time of Christ.

Basically, reincarnation is the view that living entities consist of two parts, a physical body, and a non-physical “soul”. The body functions for a finite time, during which it is closely allied to the soul, but when it ceases to function (ie physical death) the soul is released to some day be born again in a new body.

Belief in reincarnation is most common within Eastern religions such as Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism.

Reinarnation is currently rejected by much of Christianity. One can only surmise this is because it is perceived as a threat to the power of the Church. The Bible is certainly in accord with the idea, eg “And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. ‘Who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?’” (John 9:1-2)

Many people at some time in their lives experience a sense of deja vu, ie of having been somewhere before that they’re actually visiting for the first time.

There have been some remarkable accounts of reincarnation providing a substantial body of evidence for the truth of the phenomenon, eg see Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson for some of the very best.

Past-life regression is a hypntic technique that is said to help people remember previous lives. EG see Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss , Living Your Past Lives: The Psychology of Past-Life Regression by Karl Schlotterbeck.

So, is reicarnation real? I believe it is, but not for everyone.

Spiritually we are all part of a single unity which, for want of a better name, might be called “God”. We individuate, or break of from the one-ness in order to experience and interact with other (parts of God). One of the arenas in which we gain that experience is the physical universe, and within that, planet Earth.

Some parts of God never choose to incarnate here – it’s to tough a choice. For others, once is enough. But some do choose to return – sometimes many times over – in order to complete unfinished lessons, undertake new learning, or to assist others along their journey.

We each belong to a “soul group”, a part of God that individuated, and then indivduated furthe into the members of a soul group. Often sould group members choose to incarnate together, and to interact while here, each playing a different role to facilitate the learning process. That part is not always a “positive” one in earthly terms. Our fellow soul group members may turn out to be the school bully who gives us a horrible time, but only afterwards may we realize how much we learned from the difficulties experienced.

Reincarnation may explain some aspects of our lives such as recurring themes which for all our efforts we seem unable to escape. In our instinctive (unrationalized) thoughts and feelings and in our dreams we may find clues to our previous lives, and perhaps our true purpose in being here.


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