The Paradox of (In)Significance

Everything I do is significant, even very thought that flows through my mind. Like a pebble thrown into the ocean it changes forever what would otherwise have been.

And everything that I experience “good”, “bad” or indifferent is significant. Each experience changes forever what I otherwise would have been.

And yet I am utterly insignificant. My lifespan, and my potential impact upon the universe are infinitesimal compared to the backdrop of all reality.

How do I come to terms with this paradox? I gratefully acknowledge that I have been granted the gift of free will, the opportunity to plot (partially, anyway) my own destiny.

I am careful to do my best each and every day. But not necessarily to change the world. For though I will inevitably leave my mark it will be small. But the experiences I gain through my earthly existence will contribute to my eternal growth.


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