Mistakes are Good

You’re imperfect. I’m imperfect. We’re all imperfect. We are born in this world to learn, and if we were perfect we’d have no reason to be here. We all make mistakes. And all too often we beat ourselves up about it. We fret about what our mistakes have cost us, and how much damage we’ve done…..

Instead we should be happy to make mistakes. We should be happy that firstly they show we are very special beings because we actually have the power (free will) to do things. We should be happy because every mistake is a chance to learn, and that’s what it’s all about. And we should be happy because mistakes at least show we are doing things rather than just idly vegetating.

I’m not saying we should become reckless and deliberately make mistakes or not try to get things right. But we should acknowledge that making the most of the precious gift of life means doing, and doing means we’ll sometimes/often get it wrong.

Mistakes don’t matter. Earthly achievements don’t matter. The only thing that matters is the experience we acquire.


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