By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
Q: How do I balance the physical, mental and spiritual?
A: In order to live a complete life, a life that is tuned to your higher destiny, you must participate in the world and, at times, spiritually withdrawn. Each person is created with a multitude of talents, emotions, hopes and dreams. Each person is an ocean with vast depths of undiscovered marine life, organisms, valleys, peaks and wrecked ships with treasure. All of these capacities, with training and opportunity have the potential for expression.
The key to a balanced life is moderation, expression of the many parts of self and following a spiritual path to completion. We came into the earth phase to do and be many things. A balanced life is working in the world, sharing a family, contributing to the benefit of others, seeing each day as an opportunity to grow closer to your lasting self, and serving Truth.
Daily set aside a few moments to center yourself and listen to your own inner song. If you wish pray, meditate, send healing energy to others, or ask Truth to guide your life. Inside is a golden potential that unlocks limitless energy and guards a hidden treasure.
- Everything in moderation, this is a general rule that many ignore. Extremes are to be avoided. Even too much spiritual activity can disrupt your balance.
- Keep your conscious mind and thoughts focused on Truth. Thoughts are energy that return to us and negative thoughts return many times over.
- ‘Work in the world, but not of it.’ Have a job and support your family but keep a part of yourself apart. This is your sacred center; enter it, draw guidance and life-giving energy.
- In the morning and evening, set aside a few moments to honor that which gave us life and ask for guidance to make our life the living prayer.
- When problems are placed before you, ‘remember problems exist so you can solve them.’ Have a positive attitude, work hard and ask Truth for guidance.
- Honor your body and its emotions. Take the time to exercise, love, eat correctly, and express your feelings, moderately. These are essential aspects to the earth phase.
- Be generous and kind to others. Our good work returns to us as positive energy that raises us higher.
We are entering the age of self and leaving the age of authority. The solutions to the problems of this age are to be found within people, not institutions. While institutions may help, the solutions are waiting within each soul. Now our task is to develop better people who are closely aligned with Truth and work to solve the problems around us. Remember we are a wondrous creation that has forgotten to use its magic wand.
See my book The World of Pond Stories. To purchase your copy go to Amazon: (Paperback $13.99 | Kindle $5.95).
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