By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
Over the last 2 days I have read 3 articles on the internet that have caused me sorrow and concern. The first was about climate change and how weather conditions will continue to erode becoming more dangerous and destructive unless we take immediate action. The second was on how across the world there has been ongoing genocide of women indicating over recent time more than 200 million women have disappeared; this being due to men treating women as less than human. The third was about the sex scandal and ongoing cover-up in the Catholic church and how the writer, who lives in Baltimore, could no longer consider herself catholic and go to mass; not knowing who or what to believe.
I must say I am reeling from these articles and if what they report is accurate- what the hell is going on? What is happening to our world?
Also what can the average person do to offset and fight these imbalances and atrocities?
Clearly to set things right multiple actions will be required on many levels.
Here are my thoughts on how to correct some of these problems. These appear in my longer article, and here is the link if you wish to read the entire piece: The Sufi Call, Making a Better World:
Helping Others
The world is a mess right now, because people are not working together to help each other. There are too many takers; key individuals are overly concerned for themselves and are not considering their brothers/sisters at the level necessary. This is the situation where some self-interest is necessary to healthy living but over concern leads to selfishness: which is harmful to self and others.
The first step in making the world better: is to work on yourself; to become the best person that you are capable of becoming. Find out who you are, what talents you have and how they might be incorporated into the world. Each of us has come here with a skill set that will help us fulfill our life plan. This life plan is designed so that you can reach personal excellence and in the process make the world a better place. Better individuals working together help create better outcomes.
From the perspective of individual action, the following is an approach that can be followed by just about anyone.
The Formula
First work on yourself to become the best version of yourself. Second join hands with others and contribute to making your family, community and world better. Third in each thought/action reach higher; seek to take the high road: expressing the highest part of self.
Remember what is required is many people maximizing their potential and working together with others to make the world a better place to live, work, and raise our family.
See my book, The World of Pond Stories. To purchase your copy go to Amazon: (Paperback $13.99 | Kindle $5.95).
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