3 Proven Methods To Manifest Your Desires With Positive Energy

by Aaron Lin

A significant part of making manifestation and the law of attraction work for you lies in positive energy and positive vibrations. However, harnessing positive energy is a lot easier said than done – after all, the human mind is naturally inclined to question. Personally, I like to think of it as the price we have to pay for consciousness.

Yet, we don’t have to be Einstein-level intelligent to create positive energy in our lives, and neither do we have to completely shut off our brains either! So, how can we develop that “shift” in our minds that overcomes the currents of what feels natural to us, and finally start producing potent, positive energy in our lives?

So, here’s how you can make the law of attraction work in your favour by implementing these 3 proven methods that will set your mind to vibrate at positive frequencies!

1 Everything starts with self-care

The mind, body, and soul are often treated as separate entities – but what we often fail to understand is that each of these entities work with one another in harmonious synchronization. If your body is weak, your mind and soul will follow suit. Likewise, if your mind is wavering in idleness, your body and soul begin to feel lethargic and sluggish. As such, self-care includes taking care of all 3 components of our consciousness.

Let’s begin with the body. Our bodies serve as the foundation of all activity – whether it’s mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. Getting a sufficient amount of rest and sleep is paramount to fueling our bodies with the energy it needs to tackle the daily grind. While science advocates that we get our full 8 hours of rest, I personally find that anything above 6 hours should be sufficient. And let’s not forget that we are what we eat – so the type of food that we put into our bodies plays an integral role in how our bodies feel. That means avoiding greasy and oily foods, and anything that’s deep fried. Be sure to colour your diet with more greens, and avoid sugary drinks as much as possible!

As long as you’re paying attention to caring for yourself, you’ll start to feel better, happier, and more positive in your everyday life. Not only will your daily affirmations feel easier to recite, you’ll also be in the mood to notice the intricate details of love that are worth appreciating!

2 Active imagination and dream envisioning

Now, let’s not mistake this for day-dreaming! Active imagination is all about consciously portraying what your dream life is like in your mind. It’s the process of taking down of every little detail in what you see yourself achieving. Don’t just stop at a beautiful home – imagine the marble floors, the island kitchen, the cozy fireplace made of stone, and the feeling of kicking off your shoes and resting your feet upon your designer coffee table. Don’t just stop at picturing your dream car – imagine the the elation you’ll feel when you finally hold the keys in your hands and the roaring of the engine the first time you start it. You’ll start to feel your focus shift from physical possessions, to emotional connections. And when that happens, you’ll be consumed by a strong sense of purpose and a compelling sense of motivation to start doing things to realize and experience those emotional connections.

Remember, positive energy works proportionately to our emotional vibrations. The emotions we allow ourselves to experience are reflected in the vibrations and energies we emit. When you start changing the little details, you’ll notice how the whole picture begins to shift.

3 Change your environment

“You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success – or are they holding you back?”

In other words, if you immerse yourself in an environment that’s dominated by negative energy, it’s only natural that you’ll be influenced to be governed by the same. If you’re constantly working in darkness, try shedding some natural light onto your work space. But when we take this step a little further, our environments extend beyond spaces – it includes the people we surround ourselves with.

Are your friends or co-workers constantly complaining about their lives and doing nothing about it? Are they always engaging in gossip and encouraging you to do the same? These are all huge red flags of individuals who emit negative energy – and it will be wise of you to consciously remind yourself not to be influenced by their negative vibrations. Either we bring up others to vibrate at our levels, or others bring us down to vibrate at theirs.

As long as you follow these three proven methods for overcoming negative energy and harnessing positive energy, there is no doubt that you’ll start to experience a massive change in your life and perspective. I know for a fact that I’ll continue to implement these 3 methods in my own life – what say you?

About The Author

Aaron is an active individuation practitioner and personal development author at Individualogist.


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