Enjoying Signs From the Dead

By Roberta Grimes

Our growing understanding of how reality is structured makes us realize how near the dead are to us.

They are right here! There are something like eight primary levels of energy-based reality, separated from one another only by their different rates of vibration, with the earth-level apparently the lowest level. The higher-vibration levels are where the dead reside. But far from making communication easier, the fact that reality is an energy spectrum all located in a single place makes unaided communication from there to here difficult. Think of your Channel Five weatherman and your Channel Nine newsman trying to chat without cellphones while both are on the air and you can better see the problem.

Over the millennia, the dead have struggled to make their presence known to us. Since they can lower their personal vibratory rate to match our own, they are much more aware of us than we are of them, and as they transition and adjust to their new surroundings they are anxious to prove their survival and help to allay our grief. We are coming to realize that long before there were earth-based scientists, there were clever teams of dead researchers trying to understand reality and puzzling out how to prove that they lived on.

With these ancient experimenters in mind, it won’t surprise you to know that the most common signs are small objects and birds and insects.

For example:

  1. Feathers. Finding a feather loose beside your pillow means nothing. But repeatedly finding feathers on the ground, in drawers, even in your pocket can mean that someone you love is thinking of you.
  2. Coins. Bereaved people often find lots of coins in the same denomination – pennies mostly – or they find clusters of the same set of coins. I assume that before coins, the ancient dead left bright pebbles.
  3. Dragonflies and Butterflies. A big dragonfly that comes to sit on your hand or a butterfly that dances in front of you is hard to miss. Some of the dead are able to give us spectacular clouds of beautiful insects.
  4. Scents. Whiffs of cigarette smoke or perfume or perhaps the smell of lilacs or cooking: the dead seem to be surprisingly able to make us experience familiar scents.
  5. Electrical Manipulation. Since our beloved dead are energy beings, messing with electricity is easy for them. They blink lights, turn televisions on and off, put messages on computer screens, cause cellphones to ring, and even (rarely) dial us up for a chat.
  6. Physical Impressions. A surviving spouse might feel and see the other side of the mattress compress. A parent might feel a physical hug. Someone who lost a beloved pet might feel and see a depression appear beside his feet where the pet once slept.
  7. Visitations. It is surprisingly common for people to see brief visions of dead loved ones. By some estimates, the incidence of this sort of communication between spouses approaches fifty percent. Generally such apparitions will lack the lower part of the body, and they don’t speak, but they look very happy.
  8. Birds and Small Animals. The dead are easily able to commandeer the minds of birds and animals and make them approach us, freakishly unafraid.
  9. License Plates and Bumper Stickers. To be thinking of a loved one and at the same time to see a license plate with his name on it really brings you up short! Yet it happens all the time.
  10. Songs. A widow of someone recently dead will turn on a car radio or enter a store, and there will be playing the very song that the couple danced to at their wedding. Because the dead are energy beings who exist outside of time, some of them become very good at what seems to us a nearly impossible trick!

Don’t assume that everything that happens is a sign, but pay attention in the months after a loved one’s death.

Generally the dead will stop attempting to give us signs pretty quickly if we ignore them. So whenever you spot a possible sign, simply say aloud, “Thank you! Please do it again.” Those who encourage their loved ones this way can enjoy years of ever more spectacular signs!

Roberta Grimes

Roberta Grimes had two experiences of light in childhood that prompted her to major in religion at Smith College and then spend her life studying more than 150 years of abundant and consistent communications from the dead. When combined with quantum physics and the fruits of scientific research in consciousness, all this evidence provides a detailed picture of what we are, what reality is, and what actually is going on. Roberta detailed what she learned in The Fun of Dying – Find Out What Really Happens Next, which was published in 2010; The Fun of Staying in Touch is the second volume of a planned trilogy.

Find out more at: robertagrimes.com


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