What Will Be

Remember the song “que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be?” Its lyrics, and sentment, have stuck in my mind since I first heard it in childhood.

It would be a mistake to interpret the song as referring to a blind fate or random chance that governs our destiny. We all know without instinctively that we have free will. What it does mean is that we are subjected to fate like the winds affect the course of a sailing ship, even though a human agency is attempting to steer the ship.

We should attempt to set a course, ie decide what’s improtant in life. We should then try to fulfill that course to the best of our ability. For if we don’t try we have little chance of success, and any success that happens to arise from pure luck is ultimately of little satisfaction.

But once we’ve set our course, made our goals and plans, and done our best to realize them, then there is little point wasting energy worrying. Fate will ultimately decide the outcome. But fate is not blind. Though it may be difficult to impossible to understand at the time, there is always purpose in what happens.

So try your best, and allow what will be to be.


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