Serendipity is the art of finding good fortune by accident. For example, you’re on your way to a planned destination but make a wrong turning. Along the unplanned route you discover an excellent restaurant that you will frequent again and again.
Serendipity has played a major role in human invention, perhaps most notably in the discovery of penicillin. This powerful antibiotic was discovered when Alexander Fleming forgot to clean his culture dishes and noticed something which prevented bacteria from growing.
But serendipity isn’t just luck, it’s a faculty that can be cultivated.
Firstly, we need to allow room for the accidental by moving outside the habit of routine. Switch the auto-pilot off sometimes, take a different route to work, read a different newspaper, get your shopping in a different store, whatever…
Secondly, we have to actually be open to the “chance” discovery. Just as Fleming didn’t simply wash his dirty culture dishes, so we need to be aware when something fortuitous raises its head.
If we’re always cautious and never take risks, we won’t have many accidents, but equally we’re never likely to find the golden nugget that lies just off the beaten track.
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