“The mind of God”

by Olivier Danès

A discussion of new scientific approaches to the Cause of all; January/February 2013. Re-published courtesy Share International.

Today, many mathematicians and physicists acknowledge the idea that the Universe as we know it, with its galaxies, stars and planets, kingdoms of nature including human beings, cannot have been created by simple chance, but that there must be, behind it, what they call “information” – information which for example “tells” the atoms of matter to stick together to form a table, a plant, or the magazine you are reading.

Imagine all the sand present on Earth, on land and under the oceans. Say you have painted one of the grains of that sand red. Now, you ask a blind person to pick up that one grain from all this huge quantity of sand. Well, he or she has a much greater chance of finding precisely that red grain, than the Universe has of cohering.

To explain how the stars form, how the matter of our body sticks together, scientists calculated that there must exist a particle, which is not made of matter. It is called the Higgs’s boson (after British physicist Peter Higgs) and is also known as the “God particle”. All Higgs’s boson particles, it is posited, form a field, a sort of invisible glue, in which matter would bathe.

This field would explain the mass of matter(1). The more the elemental parts of matter resist, are slowed down by the field, the more their mass is significant. The less the glue sticks to the elemental parts the less the parts have a mass (as in the case of photons, the particles of light). Without the existence of that field, which is not made of matter (it has no existence in terms of spatial dimension or time – scientists call it “information”), aggregated matter would not be possible. The particles of matter in the Universe would not ‘stick together’.

As esotericists will know, dense physical matter is made by a precipitation of what already exists in the etheric field. If confirmed, the recent tests at CERN(2), proving the existence of Higg’s bosons, is a new step towards confirmation of the value of esoteric teachings such as those written by Helena P. Blavatsky or Alice A. Bailey, under guidance of Masters of Wisdom. Even if there is still a way to go before we have scientific proof of the existence of the soul, as understood in these teachings, scientists already recognise that matter comes from “information”, which some of them even call “God’s thought”.

“God” in this sense, could be understood as something existing outside the Universe, which gave the necessary information, just before the Big Bang, which enabled particles to organise matter as we know it. Indeed, in 1931, logician Kurt Gödel published his famous “incompleteness theorems”, which posit that the Universe, particularly its cause, cannot be explained, without reference to something which is exterior to it. And in 1995, Nobel prize winner and physicist Gerard ‘t Hooft and his colleague Leonard Susskind proposed a theory according to which the content of the information of the whole universe would be located outside our usual space-time frame, and therefore would only be understandable through its incomplete and partial projection within our universe and our lives. This scientific research is moving towards the discoveries predicted by esotericism, and more generally towards the rapprochement between science and religion.

(Ref: La pensée de Dieu, Igor and Grichka Bogdanov, Grasset Ed., 2012.)

(1) On Earth, the mass of our body is equal to its weight. And the mass is constant wherever we go. For instance, on the Moon we would feel lighter: our weight would be lessened, but our mass would have remained the same. Mass = weight/gravity force

(2) European Organization for Nuclear Research. At CERN, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. They use the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of matter – the fundamental particles. The particles are made to collide together at close to the speed of light. The process gives the physicists clues about how the particles interact, and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature. (Source: www.cern.ch)


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