Enjoy the Moment

How often when we’re having fun do we spoil it for ourselves by becoming aware that the moment cannot last? Or set ourselves up for disappointment by deluding ourselves the moment will last forever only to find it doesn’t.

Everything is transient. Experience. Life. Even the planet we live on and the cosmos it exists in.

Is this reason to be permanently depressed? Of course not. The nature of existence is change. That is why the moment cannot last.

That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the moment. Savor it, milk it to the full. But in the realization that by nature it is fleeting and like all things shall in its time pass away.

Even our very essence shall one day cease to exist as a distinct entity. Not when our fragile body ceases to function, for what’s within continues beyond that. But when we are eventually absorbed back into the great oneness or wholeness from which we originated. The moment that Buddhists call enlightenment.

Appreciate what you have, do not resent what you have not.

Learn to enjoy each moment. Not through the distorted notion of being able to possess it, but simply for what it is. Live it, enjoy it, and let it go. And be enriched for having the privilege of the experience.


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