
Samuel Johnson called patriotism the last refuge of a scoundrel. I’ve always thought it not only dangerous (how many million have been killed or maimed by its excesses) but also stupid. We can be proud of our achievements and good deeds, but how can we feel pride in something that’s pure chance – ie the nationality we’re born into?

Nations, the grouping together of people on a large scale, has served some useful purpose in the past. But nations by definition are so big that their peoples are highly heterogeneous. We’re all different, so any attempt to lump us together as one is meaningless.

Unscrupulous leaders have long mesmerized their subjects into committing acts of great destruction in the name of patriotism. But if we abandoned patriotism, and ultimately nationhood how much better might the world be?

Far fetched? Maybe not. The relentless march of globalization is breaking down artificial national boundaries fuelled by technologies such as the Internet for which they are invisible.

We are first and foremost all one, all part of that great unity that is Spirit. Secondly we are all individuals, incarnate for a specific purpose. We will be drawn to other individuals (regardless of nationhood) for the purpose of fulfilling our, and their, purpose.

Over the centuries nations have produced a rich variety of culture. But rather than wasting energy arguing that the one we happen to have been born into is best, let’s instead enjoy the best of what all nations have to offer.


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