Types of Dream

What Causes Dreams?

There have been many theories on why we dream and what causes dreams spanning both time and cultures. Theories range from the mind doing it’s filing and ridding itself of garbage through dreams being a window on the subconscious to astral travel and direct communion with the Spirit realm and God.

Types of Dream

It seems there are three main types of dream. The most common are so called “clearance dreams”, in which the mind clears its outstanding business. These may include memories of the day (albeit altered), or deal with current anxieties. Clearance dreams are the least significant and most easily forgotten.

The second type is the guidance dream. This gives us advice relevant to some topical aspect of our lives. Guidance dreams may come from deep within our subconscious, or from our Spirit guides. It matters not, since our Spirit essence remains part of the great oneness throughout our incarnation. This is the dream type that saw Kekule discover the structure of the benzene ring and Howe invent the sewing machine needle.

If you’re facing a particular problem, ask your subconscious or pray for a guidance dream. Guidance dreams can be recognized by their intensity. They are the most memorable dreams and often feature the most vivid colors, clearest sounds, and deepest feelings.

The third type is predictive dream. These happen surprisingly often (to me anyway), casting doubt on the apparent linearity of time, though usually they deal with trivialities. My most recent example was just a few days ago when I dreamed of a baby being born. I can’t remember ever dreaming such a thing before, and as a very “masculine” man it was certainly atypical. The very next day I heard from my wife that one of her friends was expecting a baby.

Predictive dreams are like a clue that there’s something bigger beyond this life and this world. Jung called this phenomenon synchronicity. As the subject matter is usually insignificant, spotting predictive dreams needs you to get into the habit of recording all your dreams and identifying those elements which reflect the reality of the next day or so. Discount any recurring dream themes you might have, and also things your subconscious might reasonably have predicted given your conscious knowledge.

Find out more at The Meaning Behind Dreams


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