Finding Your True Self

Awakening to your true self is like opening up to the truth.
It is finding what you are meant for, where you should go, and what to do with your life.  It is knowing from within all that matters and what is real. It is your truth that is most evident and that is pouring forth in your day to day life, not with just big decisions, but in all moments of your existence.   How do you get there, how do you find what everyone is looking for–your truth, your real self?

We all seek this, to be who we are meant to be and nothing more.
Yet we often find ourselves combining our memories of who we think we are with that of who we wish to present ourselves as. Fundamentally, we get it all wrong, for in truth to be your true self is to not try, not at all.  It is to be present and clear with nothing in the way.  It is to be your pure self, no illusions or perceptions of how you should be. It is to be free of this, to be open enough to feel and to know what is right from within and to believe in who you are without any adjustments–your
true self.  How often do we spend in our lives seeking to change, to find, to better ourselves?  How often do we strive for a perfection that is something other than us?  How often do we find ourselves comparing who we are to another?  This is not real nor is it truly just a behavior, because deep down we are really searching for ourselves.

The desire to change is the desire to know who we are.
It is not because we think we are bad at something or should be different, but rather we are seeking to fill a void because it is there.  That void is really an emptiness that hasn’t been connected to, a connection to a place that needs you, your true self.  Who we are on the inside is not always who we present to the world or even to ourselves.  Who we really are lies deep within us in a constant struggle to be seen, to be needed, and best of all to be known.

When we connect to our true self we begin to see what is real, not only within ourselves, but in the world around us.
There are no more illusions or traps, only us seeing what is really there because we are coming from a place that is true.  It does shed light on our lives, on what we really want and need, on whom we are and not on whom we should be.  The emptiness flows away because we have instead filled it with ourselves.   By finding and relating to your true self, all doubt and pretenses fall away and you begin to live life as you are meant to–free, open and clear.

By Zoe Young and Adam Benedetto at Answers in Writing


One response to “Finding Your True Self”

  1. Robert Farmilo avatar

    I have read several articles on your website. Each one delivers clear and concise insight about the subject title. This article, “Finding Your True Self,” has stirred up some latent stuff inside me. I yearn to know my “true” purpose. Sometimes I can feel I am in agreement with something deeper that my surfacey mask crap-a-doodle. Personally, I want to cut through the clutter of competing messages inside me-me-me. Your article has helped me catch a hint that being confused and disorientated is where I am right now…and… (message ends.)

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