The Will of the People

A compilation

Excerpts from the book “Messages from Maitreya, the Christ”, from Benjamin Creme’s Master’s articles and from Benjamin Creme’s writings, illustrate the call to action which, as humanity responds, will transform the world, published here courtesy Share International magazine.

We present a selection of quotations on the theme of ‘The Will of the People’ from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ), Benjamin Creme’s Master (A Master Speaks), and Benjamin Creme’s writings.

My Presence is being felt throughout the world. My energy of Love, My Gift, creates among men a pool of happiness. Dip deeply therein, My friends, and, shining with the Light of Love, emerge into a New Day.

My Masters are working to trace for you the outlines of the future. Bear these well in mind. The rock upon which that glorious future will be built is Love, Justice and Sharing. Make it your aim, My friends, to link yourselves with those for whom these Aspects are Divine. Create between you a wall of Light against which the world will knock in vain.

My Army moves. My lieutenants know the result of the battle and know the Plan of action. That action involves you all, for through you, My friends and brothers, must the New World be made. Take then your part in this valiant work and show your mettle. My Love will sustain you. My Law will guide you. My Heart enfolds you always. My friends, be not afraid – you have nothing to fear but your fear. (Maitreya, from Message No.45)



The Will of the People 1
“The people’s voice is rising, imperious to be heard. It is the harbinger of the new time, the new dispensation, struggling to be born. Despite, nay, because of the plans and actions of dangerous men, the people are throwing off their ancient yoke and claiming their right to be heard. A new urgency and a new confidence invests their claim with power.”  

Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The ending of bondage’ 

As the simple snowdrop breaks through the snow and heralds the coming spring, so do the people everywhere make known their demands for justice and peace, and an end to a long winter of thraldom and tyranny. The people’s voice is rising, imperious to be heard. It is the harbinger of the new time, the new dispensation, struggling to be born. Despite, nay, because of the plans and actions of dangerous men, the people are throwing off their ancient yoke and claiming their right to be heard. A new urgency and a new confidence invests their claim with power. The power of the people’s voice breaks through the age-old bondage and points the way to the future. More and more, the people are realizing that the role of government is to dispense the needs of the people, that there is no problem or difficulty in which war is the only solution. The sour voices of power-hungry leaders may, for the moment, seduce the fearful or unwary, but their time is limited, is drawing to a close….

When Maitreya emerges, He will seek to canalize the aspiration of countless millions who sense these truths but cannot give them voice. In Him will they find a spokesman, eloquent and severe as circumstances require; through Him will they find their needs made known, the needs of all for a just and peaceful world.

This process is already under way. At marches and demonstrations, where the people call for justice, peace and sanity, Maitreya may be found in one or other guise, playing the part of the people and speaking in their name. His energy of love pervades these gatherings of the just and inspires them to further effort. His strength becomes theirs and they feel undaunted and sure. In this way, the Lord of Love is turning the tide of hate, is potentizing the ardour of millions, and is finding that the people everywhere are aware of their destiny and are seeking the means to implement their heart-felt desires.

(Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The ending of bondage’)

My brothers and sisters are awakening to My Presence and for themselves chart a new course. This is encouraging indeed, for, despite My Plans, mankind’s will is free. When, therefore, I witness man’s response, great is My joy. My Teaching is simple, as you know: Love, Justice and correct sharing are necessary for man to live. (Maitreya, from Message No.83)

Humanity is a tremendous force for good and the changes will take place through the raised voice of the people. The voice of the people of all nations rising up, inspired by Maitreya, led by Him, activated by Maitreya – whether they know He is Maitreya or not. The united will of the people will force the governments to change. (Benjamin Creme, The Awakening of Humanity)


Very little time now will elapse until you see My Face. Know it as the face of your Friend and Brother, come once again to help you. Take Me to your hearts as I, My dear brothers and sisters, have taken you to Mine, and, working together, let us remake the world. Let us change all that is corrupt and useless in your structures, all that prevents the manifestation of your Divinity. Let us together show the way for the little ones and hold fast the world for them. (Maitreya, from Message No.50)


Already, the signs of [Maitreya’s] work are apparent to all. The old dogmas die; new brooms are sweeping away the debris of the past. The old men linger but a new force of truth beats on their embattled and crumbling walls. Not for long will they withstand this new force for righteousness and justice. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, ‘The emergence of Maitreya’)

Soon a new wave of interest in the Truth will be evoked from man, and on that wave My face shall be seen. Count yourselves as My friends and work with Me. Know yourselves as My partners and help the world. Reveal yourselves as My disciples and create the New World. (Maitreya, from Message No.102)

Throughout history, ‘the people’ have watched, and often suffered, the succession of invasions, pillages and cruelties meted out by conquering individuals with their armies of conquest. Today, a new phenomenon has appeared. The people everywhere have sensed their collective power and are demanding a free and just world as theirs by right of being members of the one humanity. This, I submit, is altogether new, and will manifest as a world public opinion with a voice so powerful and united that no government can stand against it. (Benjamin Creme, SI March 2005)

My task is a simple one: to show you the way. You, my friends, have the difficult task of building a New World, a New Country, a new Truth; but together we shall triumph…. Many will find this Path bitter and hard; but many more, by far, will enter upon this Path with joy and gladness at the lightness of their burden, casting away the old, the outworn and the useless, the trivia of the past; and entering into shared brotherhood and joyous communion with all that is, that vast and growing Company shall inherit their Selfhood. (Maitreya, from Message No.15)


Governments will come to realize, by dint of the manifested power of the people, that their job, their task, is to look after the needs of the people. This will happen in all countries because that is the role of government. Some governments do it to a tiny degree; others do it more. Some governments are more democratic, and there is more participation in the process, but some are extremely dictatorial and the people have little say. This will end. (Benjamin Creme, The World Teacher for All Humanity)

My Task will be to speak as the mouthpiece for all men everywhere; to voice for them their hopes and desires for a better and saner life; for the reorganization of those structures which prevent the manifestation of the true divinity of man. That is My Task, My dear friends, and that Task lightly, and gladly, do I shoulder. With your help it will be achieved. (Maitreya, from Message No.59)



The Will of the People 2
The people everywhere have sensed their collective power and are demanding a free and just world as theirs by right of being members of the one humanity.  


Thus do the simple words of Maitreya echo through the world. Thus do they awaken in men the hope of renewal. Where enough men are so awakened and ready for change Maitreya will increase the tempo and energy of His delivery and galvanize millions to call for action on their own behalf. Men must understand that action must come from themselves, else nothing new can happen. Where men realize this they will act, spontaneously and with hearts ablaze with hope. So will it be, and so will men fulfil their destiny and create the better framework for the new age which opens before them. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘Men awaken to Maitreya’)


Remember that Mankind is One, children of the One Father. Make over, in trust, the goods of the Earth to all who are in need. Do this now and save the world. Thus shall I speak; so shall be My Appeal; and when Mankind has accepted this Law I shall declare Myself. Many there are now who know this to be true, who desire to share, who long for brotherhood, yet act not. Nothing happens by itself. Man must act and implement his will. (Maitreya, from Message No.31)


Join together with groups and work to create the ‘voice of the people.’ Add your voice to the voice of all the other people – the ordinary people not in positions of glamorous power and illusionary wisdom. Add your weight by marching on demonstrations whenever they are arranged. Build up the concept of ‘the people’s voice’ – which eventually will be the most powerful force in the world when it is educated by the ideas of Maitreya, focused by Maitreya, approaching the various problems of humanity in a realistic way. This will build up the most powerful force: of an educated, focused, world public opinion – a force against which no government can stand. Add your voice to the voices of the countless millions.

On 15 February 2003, 12.5 million people across the world marched against the war in Iraq and related issues of justice and freedom. Nearly 2 million of those (1,800,000) were in London, and they included Maitreya. He thinks it is worth joining the marches and He has joined in the demonstrations across the world.

Make your voice heard. Speak out for what you believe. If you believe in justice and freedom for all – say so. Write articles, send them to the newspapers. Make known your mind on this, as your contribution to humanity’s liberation from the ancient thraldom of glamour, illusion and oppression. (Benjamin Creme, SI Jan/Feb 2004)

My major need today is for those who share My Vision to accept the responsibility of action. Many millions there are in the world who know the need of man, who see that Vision, but know not the urgency of the time. I rely on all those with a knowledge of your brothers’ needs, a sympathy for the sufferings of so many and a will to change all that. (Maitreya, from Message No.46)


Already, the cult of money and greed is beginning to be questioned at its source: the market worshippers grow hesitant as their games of chance reach new and dizzying heights of reward. The ‘man in the street’ is awakening to his insecurity in the economic turmoil, and recognizes that he has been hoodwinked to comply.

In the poorer nations, too, a new mood is beginning to prevail: the call for justice is rising and can be heard with a new urgency. Not for long will the impoverished millions suffer their lot in silence. They, more than any, will welcome Maitreya’s call for justice and sharing and see it as their own. They, more than any, will see Him as their Champion, their Voice, and give Him their allegiance. In time, men will rise with one voice and call for His establishment as Teacher, as Wayshower, as Mentor and Guide to the New Time. Thus will Maitreya channel the energies and aspirations of men into a new and better direction, one that will fulfil the plan of God and the destiny of man. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘Humanity’s response to Maitreya’)

The problems of mankind are real but solvable. The solution lies within your grasp. Take your brother’s need as the measure for your action and solve the problems of the world. There is no other course. (Maitreya, from Message No.52)


Maitreya is determined to begin His outer work, but humanity must demonstrate, call for sharing, which is the only way we will create justice and peace. The governments will not respond until humanity forces them to. And when that happens it will be because of the inspiration of Maitreya which will educate, focus and enlighten humanity as a whole. No nation on Earth can avoid or withstand that massed world public opinion. It is that which will bring about the transformation of the world. We have to do it. (Benjamin Creme, SI May 2003)

When, in answer to Maitreya’s call, the peoples of the world make known their desire for justice and peace, the walls of ignorance and greed which now separate the nations will come tumbling down. The voices of the people, raised in unison, will shake the ancient bastions of privilege and power and crumble them to dust. Thus will it be. Thus will the new thought emerge from the stale confines of the past. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The unfolding Plan’)


Wherever I look today around the world, I see the shining points of Light of My people, those on whom I rely. These beacons of Light shall bring all men to Me, and thus the Plan will unfold. May it be that you will gather yourselves around Me in this way, that My Light may kindle your flame; and so together we can transform this world. (Maitreya, from Message No.85)


If you want democracy, you have to participate. That means action. That does not mean leaving it to somebody else to participate – you have to do it. At a local level the more you do, the more effective you can become. If you participate as a group on a local level, your effect on a local level can be much more positive, actually more effective than it can be on the abstract level of national and international politics. It is very difficult for one person to change the actions of a government, but for one person to have a strong impact on a group at the local level is not impossible. This is happening all the time. People with something to say, with ideas that the community thinks are good and practical, are changing life in every country in the world.

(Benjamin Creme, The World Teacher for All Humanity)

A new world is in the making and requires the involvement of all: all have a part to play in this great undertaking; none should feel too young or too old to voice aloud their aspirations. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The voice of Maitreya’)

The ‘voice of the people’ is growing in power all the time and also the skill of the groups who work through the ‘voice of the people’. It is their voice after all. There is a growing ability of the groups to work together, and to find means of contact and action. This will gather momentum and very soon something really extraordinary will happen, beyond your expectations; in the beginning surprising, because people do not on the whole look forward to the good amidst all the noise of the bad. (Benjamin Creme, SI April 2005)

Let the governments understand: the voice of the people is the voice of wisdom. It is a call for realism and truth, for the only action which will lead to a sane and better world. Those governments which fail to listen to that voice will founder, and lose authority and the trust of their people. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘Out of darkness’)

The peoples of the world are only beginning to realize that they have a voice – and therefore power – and must be encouraged to demonstrate unceasingly until the governments of the world respond. It is part of Maitreya’s work to stimulate and educate the people to demand their rights….

There are many questions along the lines of “What can I do, I’m only one small individual.” You are not just one person. You are one of millions all over the world; millions of right thinking people of goodwill. Join them. They, like you, want peace in the world and know that it is the injustices in the world that prevent peace. Make it known. Join with others, join groups. Humanity is a tremendous force for good and the changes will take place through the raised voice of the people. The voice of the people of all nations rising up, inspired by Maitreya, led by Him, activated by Maitreya – whether they know He is Maitreya or not. The united will of the people will force the governments to change. (Benjamin Creme, SI, Nov 2003)

The peoples of the world have caught the vision of freedom, of justice, and peace, and will not let it go. They, rather than their leaders, will outline the future and shape it to their needs. Thus will it be. This new force in the world – the voice of the people – is rapidly gaining strength and cohesion and will play a major role in world affairs from now. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from
‘The guidance of Maitreya’)


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